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Volume 18 Number 02 Year 2017

26 articles in this issue 

Cover Cover

Cover Eksakta Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA Volume 18 No 2 Bulan Oktober 2017


Moralita Chatri, Mansyurdin Mansyurdin, Amri Bakhtiar, Perri Adnadi

Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit is one of the species Lamiaceae family (Labiatae), is an aromatic plant and can produce essential oils. Essential oils of these plants can be utilized as antimicrobials. The chemical components contained in the essential oils i... see more

Pags. 1 - 12  

Ambran Hartono

In this paper we will present the results of the study at the application of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) sensors to determine the value of angular shift. In the study carried out the loading on the PVDF sensor so that the PVDF film on the sensor change... see more

Pags. 100 - 106  

Ayu Nirmala Sari

Various diseases can be triggered by the condition of oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is a condition that occurs in cells when free radicals are present in excess amounts. To reduce the negative effects and negative effects of these free ra... see more

Pags. 107 - 112  

Nendi Suhendi Syafei

Pada penelitian pipa baja karbon API 5L-X65 digunakan rumah sampel dengan spesimen tiga titik pembebanan berada  lingkungan gas CO2 dan H2S jenuh dalam larutan 250 ml asam asetat dan 4750 ml aquades, maka akan terjadi peristiwa fenomena korosi. Bila ... see more

Pags. 113 - 120  

Destri Susilaningrum

Provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu dari tiga provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus TBC terbesar yakni mencapai 23.487 kasus dimana angka penderita TBC yang tertinggi di Jawa Timur adalah di Kota Surabaya, sedikitnya 4.739 warga bermukim di Surab... see more

Pags. 121 - 128  

Nur Afandi

This study aims to cluster earthquake events in Bengkulu Province and describe the characteristics of each group based on clustering results. The method used is Fuzzy c-Means Clustering. The clustering results show that although clustering is formed based... see more

Pags. 129 - 136  

Minda Azhar, Yuni Ahda, Ihsanawati Ihsanawati, Fernita Puspasari, Suci Mawarni, Boni Risa, Dessy Natalia

Inulin degrading bacteria is a potential source of inulin degrading enzymes, an enzyme which convert inulin into fructose and fructooligo-saccharides (FOS) prebiotic. The purpose of the study was to find inulin degrading bacteria. The methods that used to... see more

Pags. 13 - 20  

Melindra Mulia

Coumarin has been isolated and characteritated from rind of  Citrus nobilis Lour by maseration methode with methanol. After fractionation by n-hexane and ethyl acetate, collected the phase ethyl acetate which positive of coumarin. From ethyl acetate ... see more

Pags. 137 - 145  

Dewi Murni

The infinite series is an infinite sum of elements of a sequence of real numbers. A main thing related to the infinite series is to determine its convergence (convergent or divergent). Purpose this research were to analyze and determine a comparison and c... see more

Pags. 146 - 157  

R. Sudrajat

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan model regresi ekosistem kolam untuk kolam ikan tertutup (Recirculating Aquaculture System disingkat RAS). Kajian model ini membahas tentang variable-variabel dan parameter yang utama dapat mempengaruhi keberl... see more

Pags. 158 - 163  

Tuti Tutuarima

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pectin and sucrose on the physical and chemical properties of marmalade citrus of calamondin and get the best treatment combination on making marmalade made from calamondin. This study used Randomiz... see more

Pags. 164 - 172  

Setianto Setianto

Pasir besi merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam yang melimpah di Indonesia terutama di pantai selatan Jawa Barat dan merupakan bahan dasar untuk bangunan serta industri logam.Kandungan mineral pasir besi tersebut umumnya adalah oksida logam seperti magne... see more

Pags. 173 - 177  

Darmawan Hidayat

Pengontrol proporsional, integral plus derivatif (PID) merupakan suatu strategi kendali yang paling banyak digunakan di industri untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah dalam sistem kendali dan untuk keperluan sistem kendali otomatik suatu proses. Oleh karena itu... see more

Pags. 178 - 185  

Badrulfalah Badrulfalah

Pemetaan tipe kondisi kontraktif merupakan perluasan dari pemetaan kontraktif. Ada beberapa bentuk tipe kondisi kontraktif. Masing-masing pemetaan tipe kondisi kontraktif dapat memiliki interval konstanta kekontraktifan berlainan. Pada makalah ini akan di... see more

Pags. 187 - 190  

Muhamad Nasir

Synthesis of nanokaolin from Capkalas natural clay from Bengkayang, West Borneo has been studied. Modification of kaolin particles into nano size was done by high energy milling methods using HCl 2M activator solutions. The variables that investigated is ... see more

Pags. 200 - 209  

Hary Sanjaya

Study about degradation of methylene blue using photosonolysis method has been done. This research aims to investigate  effect of variation radiation times, pH, and concentrations doping PEG (polyethylene glycol). The absorbance of samples was measur... see more

Pags. 21 - 29  

Wilda Amananti

TiO2 is known as a good material candidate for environmental pollutant degradation. A combination of ZnO and TiO2 in the hope of enhancing the ability of ZnO in degrading the dye liquids. Precursor solutions TiO2, ZnO and TiO2: ZnO are deposited using sol... see more

Pags. 210 - 215  

Selfa Dewati Samah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu plastik  biodegradabel yang dapat terurai di alam, sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam penumpukan sampah plastik yang sulit diuraikan oleh alam. Plastik biodegradabel yang dihasilkan dari p... see more

Pags. 30 - 38  

Sherly Kasuma Warda Ningsih

Penelitian mengenai sintesis nanopartikel ZnO undoped dan doped Cu2+ telah dilakukan melalui metoda sol-gel, dengan menggunakan zink (II) asetat dihidrat sebagai prekursor, isopropanol sebagai pelarut, dan monoethanolamin sebagai zat aditif. Tujuan peneli... see more

Pags. 39 - 51  

Imelda Saluza

The exchange rate is determined by the demand and supply relationship of the currency. If the demand for a currency increases, while the supply remains or even decreases, then the exchange rate will rise vice versa. The ups and downs of exchange rates on ... see more

Pags. 52 - 61  

Retno Prihatini

The research has been conducted to find out the best concentration of coconut water in the induction of roots of cuttings axillary buds Andrographis paniculata Nees. This research was conducted in Plant Physilogy of Division,   Department of Bio... see more

Pags. 62 - 68  

Nadayatul Khaira Huda

Traditional medicine substances which come from plants have been used by society since long time ago. One of them which usually used is Sambiloto plant. Even though sambiloto has numerous of benefits but utilizing of this substance is still inappropriate ... see more

Pags. 69 - 76  

Abdon Saiya

One type of pesticide that is widely used is a group of organophosphates with chlorpyrifos as the active ingredients, because it has more favorable characteristics such as easy to decompose and short persistence time. However, the use of pesticides in add... see more

Pags. 77 - 85  

Izzati Rahmi H.G

This study was conducted to determine factors that affect the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age in Padang City West Sumatra based on weight-for-height using Classification and Regression Tree (CART). The study was carried out in 4 distri... see more

Pags. 86 - 99