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ISSN: 2502-5996    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 3 Number 2 Year 2018

7 articles in this issue 

Masamaru Ogawa,Yasuhi Ueki,Hiroki Idota,Teruyuki Bunno,Masatsugu Tsuji

Based on survey data of firms in four ASEAN economies, this paper examines the role of internal innovation capacity which includes technological level, organizational learning, and human resources on innovation. To make this concept more tractable for sta... see more


Erman Aminullah,Trina Fizzanty,Qinan Maulana B Soesanto

The objective of this study is to have deep understanding on why and how firms engaging in innovation without formal R&D. Three cases of firms in machinery and food processing sectors were studied. The cross cases analysis found that types and sources of ... see more


Uruqul Nadhif Dzakiy

Beside technology-based startups are not many enough in Indonesia, they must have faced problems that make them hard to grow. Not many of them can sustain for a long time. UAVINDO Nusantara is an exception. The company that concern in Unmanned Aerial Vehi... see more


Chusnul Tri Judianto,Harianto Harianto,Agus Maulana

Indonesia has larges archipelagic in the world, 13,466 islands with land area of 1,922,570 km2 and water area of 3,257,483 km2. Controlling and monitoring the huge area of Indonesia using satellite technology is a possible way to do and self reliance of s... see more


Hadi Kardoyo,Setiowiji Handoyo,Anugerah Yuka Asmara

This article describes the activities of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship (KIE) in four wood craft manufacturers, namely Radio Magno, Stranough Guitar Technologi, Secco Guitar, and Matoa Watch. The four wood craft manufacturers represent KIE activitie... see more


Ahmad Dading Gunadi,Yandra Arkeman,Rizal Syarief Siaiful Nazli,Teguh Rahardjo,Aulijati Wachjudiningsih

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dimensions and variables of National Innovation Capability. The findings in this paper are to refine the National Innovation Capabilities Dimension model developed by Chang and Lin (2012) by integrating a Networ... see more