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ISSN: 2407-0475    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 27 Number 1 Year 2013

10 articles in this issue 

Pandu Gunawan,Radite P.A. Setiawan,I Wayan Astika

ABSTRACT This paper discussed about the development of electronically controlled fertilizer applicator machine based on modified riding type paddy transplanter tractor. The machine had ability to perform variable rate of application dose using urea, phosp... see more


Diza Puspa Arista,Sam Herodian,Muhamad Yulianto

Abstrak Banyak pertimbangan yang digunakan saat merancang suatu desain alat atau mesin, salah satunya yaitu Ergonomika. Ergonomika membuat perancangan efektif dan efisien dari segi sistem, juga segi kenyamanan dan keselamatan kerja operatornya. Penelitian... see more


Rizki Maulaya,Sam Herodian

ABSTRAK Kualitas udang sangat dipengaruhi oleh keseluruhan proses budi daya, termasuk proses pemanenan. Sejauh ini proses pemanenan udang tambak di Indonesia masih menggunakan cara tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangun mesin pemane... see more


Aris Adhi Permana,Mad Yamin

Abstract The high utilizing of thermal fogger machine in agriculture is giving an impact for operator’s health and comfortness. This is because of mechanical vibration and noise level which produced by thermal fogger machine disturbing operator activity. ... see more


Sunu Ariastin Kurniawati,Mad Yamin

AbstractDevelopment in agricultural mechanization is characterized by the increasing use of agricultural machinery and equipments.  It can be seen from sugarcane harvesting process which machinery is used instead of manual equipment.  In term of... see more


Siti Trinurasih,Sutrisno .

Abstract Demand and productivity of starfruit have been increased every year. With that potency, starfruit could determined as national fruit commodityto be exported. One of the obstacle that encountered by fruit export from Indonesia was the high attack ... see more


Sandra Hiariey,Lilik Pujantoro,Sugiyono .

Abstract The objectives of this study were to extract atung seed with water through boiling process to obtain a natural preservative. Atung seed was extracted in boiling water at different ratio (1:5; 1:7; 1:10) and boiling time (10, 20, 30 minutes). The ... see more


Rokhani Hasbullah,Pramita Riskia D. P

ABSTRAK Pembuatan beras pratanak meliputi pembersihan, perendaman, pengukusan, pengeringan, dan penggilingan. Proses pratanak dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan rendemen giling, menekan kehilangan nilai gizi dan menurunkan indeks glikemik sehingga cocok dikon... see more


Usman Ahmad

Abstrak Biji ginkgo harus dibuka untuk diambil dan dimanfaatkan isinya yang lunak. Untuk membuka pelindung daging biji yang keras, orientasi biji harus diketahui, karena biji lebih mudah terbuka pada ujungnya, sedangkan bagian pangkalnya cenderung tetap m... see more


Sandro Pangidoan,Sutrisno .,Aris Purwanto

Abstract Red chili is one of agricultural commodity which is needed by people and has high economic value.Because it’s not long-lasting product and always needed in fresh product, the appropriate packaging method and good transportation become a postharve... see more