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Volume 5 Number 2 Year 2013

10 articles in this issue 

Rizal Rizal

An expert system is a transfer of knowledge from an expert to a computer system, so the  system can be used by people who are not experts in solving the problem as was done by experts. Many cases can be used as research in expert systems, one of... see more


Dahlan Abdullah

Program Sistem Informasi merupakan salah satu program yang banyak digunakan oleh banyak instansi-instansi dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, baik itu instansi pemerintah maupun swasta seperti perusahaan-perusahaan dalam menjalankan aktivitas se... see more


Sayed Fachrurrazi,Saiful Afwadi

Many computer users pay more attention upon computer games, using this kind of computer features make the user able to stay long in fron of computer. The implementation of "Permainan Peran (Role Play) Untuk Pembelajaran Shalat" is one effort to follo... see more


Muhammad Iqbal

Server security is an absolute requirement to be met in the secure data by network administrator. An application to remote server is still fairly secure called secure shell (SSH). But the recent developments other parties can retrieve password f... see more


Akshsr Akshar

Landslides is one form of natural disasters that often occur suddenly, its effects cause substantial losses in terms of both material and loss of life. In Indonesia, natural disasters are very common one is because Indonesia has a high rainfall which... see more


Dahlan Abdullah

Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Cut Meutia Sistem Informasinya masih kurang cepat dan akurat seiring dengan perkembangannya teknologi informasi, pada Rumah Sakit tersebut permintaan barang setiap hari untukkeperluan rumah sakit sangat banyak, dalam memproses d... see more


Bustami Bustami

Data mining adalah teknik yang memanfaatkan data dalam jumlah yang besar untuk memperoleh informasi berharga yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengambilan keputusan penting. Pada penelitian ini, penulis berusaha m... see more


Sandy Kosasi

The paper of this research is used for managing the user's wireless network that can be accessed using hotspot method in terms of improving the stability of internet access in accordance with the bandwidth capacity. This research applies mark pa... see more


Mukti Qamal

Identification of image is needed to facilitate the work of humans in terms of classification. The statistical method is one method often used to identify image. Identtification process in this research is a process where the images of children ... see more