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ISSN: 0215-840X    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 29 Number 1 Year 2014

8 articles in this issue 

Trisadini Prasastinah Usanti

The most of the assets of syariah banks are financing. On one side it is the largest source of income. however it could be the source of the greatest business risk as well. Therefore, quality of the financing must be protected and kept feasible. The legal... see more


Kunti Kalma Syita

In the dispute resolution mechanism both litigation and non-litigation such as arbitrary, proofing evidence process plays essential role to reconstruct the real occurrence in order to seek the truth. Proofing principles that is used in Indonesian arbitrar... see more


Winner Sitorus

This article aimed at studying provisions in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 regarding Patent, particularly provisions reflecting criteria of public interest.The approach used is statutory and conceptual approaches by analysing TRIPs Agreement a... see more


Sriti Hesti Astiti

The law of bankruptcy basically has to pay more attention and give a proportionate legal protection between the interests of debtors to creditors, even also the interests of other credi-tors, who do not have a file in the bankruptcy process. Unfortunately... see more


Erikkson Sitohang

Health is a part of human right and one of the elements of well-being that should be realized in accordance with the ideals of the nation of Indonesia as stipulated in Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. As the implement... see more


Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono,Johan Wahyudi,Razky Akbar

In judicial practice, that more than likely a lawsuit granted by the court , it often demands the principal ( the primary petition ) is accompanied by replacement demand ( petitum subsidiary ). The contents of the demands it usually reads : " ex aequo et ... see more


Indah Dwi Qurbani

Based on Article 18 A (2) of the amended 1945 Constitution provisions, it can be inferred that article as the filosophical and constitutional basic of the Act No. 33 of 2004 about finance relationship between central government and regional government, in... see more


Sukardi ,,Dri Utari Christina Rahmawati

Local autonomy based on the Act No. 22 Year 1999 about Local Autonomy (amended by the Act No. 32 Year 2004 about Local Governance) has delivered broad autonomy to local governance to add its local revenue through cllection, local tax and local retribution... see more