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ISSN: 1829-5789    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 18 Number 2 Year 2095

14 articles in this issue 

Ravita Mega Saputri,Marzuki Marzuki

The role of people and society is very important in children's growth, because with the education provided by parents and the community to instill value education and civic education. This paper is a qualitative research using literature review method, th... see more


Elisabeth Rukmini,Pedy Artsanti,Arya Susila Nugraha

The main problem of the Pancasila and Citizenship courses is the substance problem which is cognitive domains, and the problem of learning approaches. This research results from active collaboration between universities online with the Pancasila & Cit... see more


Farid Fadillah,Suharno Suharno

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi peran, (2) mendeskripsikan tantangan dan (3) upaya mahasiswa aktivis BEM UNY dalam penguatan karakter nasionalis di era revolusi industri 4.0. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekat... see more


Abdul Azis,Maftuhin Maftuhin,Dadi Mulyadi Nugraha

Online learning that is applied to the Citizenship Education course as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic presents quite a challenge for the character development of students. With this, of course, raises a question, how can student character development b... see more


Rizal Fahmi,Tubagus Saputra,Imam Solehudin,Intan Indah Megasari,Ari Febrian

Anti-corruption behavior is an excellent thing to get used to students. Efforts in this direction can be made through Citizenship Education. It is found that the determinant factors that determine the success of these efforts, therefore, why and how these... see more


Nurbani Yusuf,Arif Prasetyo Wibowo

This research discusses: a) The digital activism of university students in Malang amidst COVID-19 pandemic, b) The media used by the students to run the digital activism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and c) Political movements carried out by the students ... see more


Rianda Usmi,Mukhamad Murdiono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi konten atau muatan materi kewarganegaraan ekologis dalam buku teks mata pelajaran PPKn dan (2) menguraikan pengembangan kewarganegaraan ekologis sebagai bahan ajar dalam mata pelajaran PPKn pada jenjang ... see more


Winarno Winarno,Muchtarom Muchtarom,Erna Yuliandari

The concept of citizenship covers 3 (three) statuses: legal status, political agent, and identity. Citizenship as legal status is taken into consideration along with the emergence of concept of legal state. The concept is the form of relationship between ... see more


Eny Kusadarini,Anang Priyanto,Sri Hartini

Both the management and participants commit administrative violations in the general election. Often, they are not aware that they are breaking regulations. Since the fall of the New Order Era, administrative frauds in the general election are handled by ... see more


Nasiwan Nasiwan

This research aims to understand the shifting of political education at Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (Prosperity and Justice Party (PKS). I employ theory of social contract to analyze phenomena involving the elites and the rest of the Muslims. This research ... see more


Warneri Warneri,Jagad Aditya Dewantara

This study aims to determine whether the Civic Community Learning model that uses the Citizenship Economics approach, which can improve the acquisition of learning outcomes and student learning activities in the Advanced Financial Accounting course, is ri... see more


Hemafitria Hemafitria,Erna Octavia Octavia

This study aims to provide a concept for the formation of civic Disposition through the Antar Pakatan culture that grows in the Sambas Malay community. Activities that have become a habit in this tradition are the basis for applying the values that shape ... see more

Pags. 179 - 190  

Sandey Tantra Paramitha,Muhamad Fahmi Hasan,Leni Anggraeni,Marisa Noviyanti Fajrah Ilsya,Muhamad Gilang Ramadhan,Apriya Maharani Rustandi,Hikmat Kodrat

The sense of responsibility to educate students as "whole people" which lies on the shoulders of all higher education managers, sports programs will continue to have strategic programs in the higher education system in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers co... see more

Pags. 191 - 199