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ISSN: 2541-2205    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 7 Number 1 Year 2023

4 articles in this issue 

Nadia Nadia,Lyra Yulianti,Fawwaz Fakhrurrozi Hadiputra

Let G and H be two given graphs. The notation F?(G,H) means that any red-blue coloring on the edges of F will create either a red subgraph G or a blue subgraph H in F. A graph F is a Ramsey (G,H)-minimal graph if F satisfies two conditions: (1) F?(G,H), a... see more

Pags. 8 - 15  

Dalibor Froncek

A G-supermagic labeling of a graph G=(V,E) is a bijection from E to a group G of order |E| such that the sum of labels of all edges incident with any vertex x? V is equal to the same element µ ? G. A Z2mn-supermagic labeling of the Cartesian product of tw... see more

Pags. 16 - 23  

Khairunnisa N. Afifah,Kiki A. Sugeng

A rainbow geodesic is a shortest path between two vertices where all edges are colored differently. An edge coloring in which any pair of vertices with distance up to d, where d is a positive integer that can be connected by a rainbow geodesic is called d... see more

Pags. 24 - 45