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ISSN: 1390-3799    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 22 Number 2 Year 2015

7 articles in this issue 

María Fernanda Guevara Granja, Lenin Ramírez-Cando

The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a perennial aquatic plant, it has been used as an ornamental species for ponds. Native from Brazil, it has high reproductive and adaptive capacities. These factors have allowed E. crassipes to be among the 10 m... see more


Patricio Yánez, Lorena Rivadeneira, Diana Balseca, Cristian Larenas

Genetic resources in the genus Capsicum (chili), family (Solanaceae), are important for being a natural source of capsaicin. The information about this feature is scarce in native chili species in Ecuador. The aim of this study was to analyze main morphol... see more


Nancy Bonifaz, Fernando Ulcuango

In the parish of Ayora, Santo Domingo community N? 1 was carried out a serological diagnosis for the detection of Bovine Leucosis by means of the ELISA test. The objectives of the research were to determine the prevalence of the disease, the related risk ... see more


Luis Alberto Valdés, Adys Gómez, María Elena Carballo, Maricela Capote, Ingrid González, W. Rohde

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz) Penz & Sacc. is responsible for anthracnose in mango, a disease that affects all aerial parts of the plant, causing losses of up to 12 % of production. Microbial identification and characterization is important for de... see more


Laura Huachi, Elizabeth Yugsi, María Fernanda Paredes, Daniel Coronel, Karla Verdugo, Pablo Coba Santamaría

The pitahaya (Cereus sp.) is an exotic tropical fruit, widely distributed in America and even present in the Asian continent. In Ecuador is located in the provinces of Pichincha, Morona Santiago and Loja. It is a climbing shrub whose fruit is a berry with... see more


Julliete Cadier

This article makes a quick recall of the puppy’s particular immunological system, explaining why the absorption of the maternal antibodies of the colostrum is so essential for his survival. However, those antibodies inhibit the ability of the young puppy ... see more