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Volume ume1 Number Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2017 Year 2017

8 articles in this issue 

Frans Reumi

The excellence of customary court for indigenous peoples of Papua as a peace justice institution which is one of the specific rights of Special Autonomy of Papua and it regulated in Article 50 paragraph (2) juncto Article 51 paragraph (1), and Article 43 ... see more

Pags. 162 - 186  

Kadir Katjong

The existences of international and national laws are interrelated and interacting. The linkage of International and National laws is depicted in monism and dualism theories. The existence of international and national laws is examined by looking at each ... see more

Pags. 187 - 202  

Basir Rohrohmana

The element of unlawful (UMH – Unsur Melawan Hukum) in the Criminal Act of Corruption in the criminal justice practice shows a varied view between the prosecutor and the judge in making the decision to the defendant. The object of this study is related to... see more

Pags. 203 - 219  

Muhammad Yaasiin Raya,Irwansyah Irwansyah

Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup menyebutkan bahwa dalam rangka melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup, maka setiap orang wajib untuk melindungi lingkungan. Undang-Undang Nomor 4 tahun 200... see more

Pags. 220 - 236  

Ispurwandoko Susilo

Laboratorium Klinik dan Bantuan Hukum (LKBH) mempunyai peran yang penting dalam mengemban Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, karena ketiga dharma tersebut, yaitu dharma pendidikan, dharma penelitian dan dharma pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan oleh LKBH... see more

Pags. 237 - 252  

Tumian Lian Daya Purba

Prapradilan di Indonesia terinspirasi oleh hakim komisaris di negara Eropa. Pada dasarnya permohonan Praperadilan diajukan kepada pengadilan, bilamana ada hak-hak yang dilanggar. Hak untuk mengajukan Praperadilan dimiliki oleh tersangka atau korban, kelua... see more

Pags. 253 - 270  

Johni R.V. Korwa

Aborigine is the indigenous people of Australia who have attempted to oppose the proposal for South Australia to host an international nuclear dump. Even though the rights of indigenous people have been recognized by the United Nations Declaration on the ... see more

Pags. 271 - 292  

Arie Afriansyah

Throughout the international climate change regime’s development up until 2012, the emergence of new and helpful mechanisms and negotiation processes were often accompanied by setbacks such as withdrawals and unmet State obligation. The object of this stu... see more

Pags. 293 - 322