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Volume 25 Number 1 Year 2012

8 articles in this issue 

Hadi Sasana

During the era of local autonomy and fiscal decentralization, local governments is provided with authority to increase their income and to conduct allocative function in setting priority of local development. This research is intended to examine the influ... see more


Titik Aryati

The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the factors that have effect corporate taxpayer compliance, especially the corporate taxpayer in KPP Pratama Cengkareng, west Jakarta. Research design is survey research using questionaire as research in... see more


Susetyo Darmanto

Meningkatnya pengangguran akibat tidak seimbangnya antara pertumbuhan penduduk dan lapangan kerja merupakan masalah serius bagi negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Kewirausahaan harus didukung sebagai solusi untuk mengurangi pengangguran. Secara faktual,... see more


Frans Sudirjo

The long term of this study is to develop a conceptual model of marketing on customer orientation and strategic pathways that can improve company performance. Specific target of this study empirically tests the effects of customer knowledge management for... see more


Monica Weni Pratiwi

The objective of this study is to examine influence of firm size toward market reaction with Investment Opportunity Set as moderation variable. The variables used in this research are by firm size, firm size with market to book assets ratio as a moderatio... see more


Endang Swastuti

Dari hasil analisis Strategi Pengarusutamaan Gender Sebagai Upaya Untuk Mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Millenium Di Kabupaten Banjarnegara diperoleh hasil bahwa di Kabupaten Banjarnegara masih terjadi ketimpangan gender, karena masih terjadi selisih antara c... see more


Ida Puspitowati

Trust in a brand is not a belief to someone but a belief to a symbol . A belief to a brand is one kind of consumer readiness to lean to a brand and the risk because the presence of hope that the brand will give a positive outcome. So many shop that evolve... see more


Janti Soegiastuti

Usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah telah diakui sangat strategis dan penting tidak hanya bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi tetapi juga untuk pembagian pendapatan yang merata. Karena peranannya yang sangat strategis dan penting, Indonesia memberikan perhatian khusus b... see more