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Volume 7 Number 1 Year 2021

13 articles in this issue 

kambali kambali

Adapun tujuan dari pembaharuan sistem pendidikan pondok pesantren adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan pondok pesantren, hingga mampu menyamai pendidikan formal lainnya, juga agar para santri tidak selalu mempertahankan sistem lama atau tradision... see more

Pags. 1 - 13  

Suhendrik Suhendrik

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran youtube dalam pengembangan dakwah Islam dan penyebaran pemahaman keagamaan dalam dunia digital. Metode peneltiian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Penerapan dakwah kanal... see more

Pags. 14 - 27  

Dzaki Aflah Zamani, Tutik Hamidah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan ulama ormas-ormas Islam terhadap Pancasila. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur, yang kemudian data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini... see more

Pags. 28 - 43  

Ayu Santika Suroso, Mohammad Salehudin

Character education is an educational system that aims to instill certain character values ??in students in which there is a component of knowledge, awareness or willingness, and actions to carry out these values. The purpose of this research is to find o... see more

Pags. 44 - 55  

Wismoyo Sandi Nugroho

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan supervisi yang dilakukan oleh kepala madrasah salam rangka untuk meningkatkan kinerja pendidik di Madrasah Aliyah Walisongo. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Penerapan supervisi akademik kepala madrasah di dalam tah... see more

Pags. 56 - 74  

Ibnu Rusydi

Isu pendidikan karakter menjadi berita yang hangat dibicarakan dalam dunia pendidikan, termasuk di dalamnya dunia pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Pembentukan karakter siswa di lembaga pendidikan Islam seperti madrasah adalah baik untuk dilakukan. Madrasah ... see more

Pags. 75 - 83  

M. Fachdir Saputra, Muhammad Hamsah, Nurchamidah Nurchamidah

Education has an important role in equipping various abilities of students. One of the goals of education which basically leads students to change. This change allows students to live independently, have hope of ability, and strive for the nation and stat... see more

Pags. 84 - 95  

Amir Bandar Abdul Majid

The purpose of this study is to find a learning model that can make students active and communicative in online lessons during pandemics like this. The learning model is deconstruction and reconstruction learning. This research is qualitative research tha... see more

Pags. 96 - 111  

Andi Baso Darussalam, Achmad Abu Bakar, M. Sadik Sabry

This study examines the concept of science in the effectiveness of the Qur'an, with two problem formulations namely how the meaning of science in the Qur'an? how is the embodiment of science in the Qur'an?.This study uses verse analysis and interpretation... see more

Pags. 112 - 124  

Besse Ruhaya

The management function of Islamic education is very important as well as the management function in education in general. Where the management of Islamic education orientation Islamic educational institutions managed by Islam also to achieve the objectiv... see more

Pags. 125 - 132  

Muhammad Fahmi Hidayatullah, Firmanda Taufiq

In it contains authoritative references in religious matters. Meanwhile, in Khaled's view, Islamic jurists are a source of legitimacy in interpreting religious texts. Khaled tried to criticize the construction of authoritarianism in Islamic law, especiall... see more

Pags. 133 - 146  

Hamlan Andi Baso Malla, Ardillah Abu, Husni Mubarak

This study aims to determine the values ??of Islamic education contained in the Posalama Pogunci Bulua Traditional Ritual of the Kaili Ethnic in Petobo Village, South Palu District. In this study, the author uses a type of qualitative descr... see more

Pags. 147 - 159  

Suprima Suprima, Hafidz Noor, Nurti Budiyanti, Muhamad Parhan

As a majority Muslim population in the country of Indonesia, of course, it takes an existence from the Muslim community itself to be able to participate in the life of the nation and state. To participate, it requires a procedure or rules that must be stu... see more

Pags. 160 - 171