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ISSN: 0853-9340    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 28 Number 1 Year 2022

7 articles in this issue 

Dewi Kurniasih,Makmur Umar

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research was to measured the effect of implementation policy about the Indonesia-Malaysia border area on the effectiveness of regional resilience in Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan. This research was used an explanatory metho... see more

Pags. 1 - 18  

Dian Pratama,Roso Witjaksono,Alia Bihrajihant Raya

ABSTRACTThe conversion of agricultural land that was still happening caused a decrease in land for food production. Decrease in food production could reduce food availability so that it became a threat to food resilience. The Ministry of Agriculture in 20... see more

Pags. 19 - 37  

Dwi Hartanto1

 ABSTRACT            This study aimed to analyzed the role of UPT-BP2MI DIY in empowering PMI Purna and analyzed its implications for family economic resilience. This study used the theory of rol... see more

Pags. 38 - 50  

Zarita Kaulika Rumarey Wattimena,Rustadi Rustadi,Suadi Suadi

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyzed the role of  Department of Fishery of Seram Bagian Timur Regency  using the Siagian theory in 2003, through 5 role indicators namely the role of stabilizer, innovator, modernizr, pioneer and implementer... see more

Pags. 51 - 81  

Erry Ika Rhofita Rhofita

ABSTRACTAs an agricultural country, Indonesia had abundant natural resources necessary to realized national goals. Natural resources, particularly agriculture, had focused on achieving food resilience  throughout history. At the same time, it could a... see more

Pags. 82 - 100  

Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi,Pipit Widiatmaka

ABSTRACT This study aimed to found out the challenges of ethnic diversity in West Kalimantan in the era of society 5.0; found out strategies for implementing tolerance values in the era of society 5 in West Kalimantan; and  found out the implica... see more

Pags. 101 - 119  

Zela Septikasari,Heri Retnowati,Insih Wilujeng

Abstract The aims of this study are to identify (1) the implementation of primary school DRR education in Indonesia, (2) strategies that can be implemented in integrating primary school DRR, and (3) the proposed framework for primary school resilience in ... see more

Pags. 120 - 143