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ISSN: 2088-0685    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 7 Number Vol 7, No 2: Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan

7 articles in this issue 

Eny Suprapti

This study examines the effect of Growth, ROA, Leverage, Cashflow nagatif and size on taxavoidance. The testing was held 82 samples. The data obtained from the company’s annualreport website Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period 2016 and analyzed us... see more

Pags. 1013 - 1022  

Titis Puspitaningrum Dewi Kartika

This study would like to examine the influences on Machiavellian characteristic, Equity Sensitivity, and Javanese Culture to Ethical Behavior as the intervening variable. Sample used in this study was auditor at KAP in Surabaya. This study also used path ... see more

Pags. 1023 - 1034  

Reni Surmayanti,Made Sudarma,Roekhudin Roekhudin

Determinant of Taxpayer’s Behavioral Intention to Use ­E­System in Taxation. The purpose ofthis research is to examine the effect of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control,perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy and amou... see more

Pags. 1035 - 1042  

Siti Zubaidah

This study aims at long-term to analyze the behavior of accountants based on Good CorporateGovernance (GCG) standard in Sharia Banking. The specific target you want to achieve is to mapthe accountant’s behavior profile. The method used to achieve this goa... see more

Pags. 1043 - 1054  

Wiwik Mukholafatul Farida

This article aims to understand the accountant educator about their roles in accounting learning. This research is qualitative with phenomenology approach, under the interpretive paradigmas the umbrella. Phenomenology by Edmund Husserl is referred to as d... see more

Pags. 1055 - 1066  

Yusuf Mangkusuryo,Ahmad Waluya Jati

This study aimed to determine the effect of Good Corporate Governance mechanism towardearnings management that is proxied with discretionary accruals (DTA). The GCG mechanismis proxied with managerial ownership (KM), institutional leadership (KI), indepen... see more

Pags. 1067 - 1080  

Nur Alfiyah,Sri Wahjuni Latifah

This research aims to provide empirical evidence of the influence of implementation of SunsetPolicy, Tax Amnesty, and Tax sanctions on individual’ Taxpayer who run the business activitiesand work free in KPP Pratama Dompu. The number of respondents in thi... see more

Pags. 1081 - 1090