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ISSN: 2087-9954    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 2 Number 1 Year 2011

5 articles in this issue 


Pengujian Hausman dengan berbagai kombinasi efek menunjukkan bahwa model terbaiknya adalah menggunakan FEM, karena menurut hasil pengujian pendekatan Hausman test, komponen error di dalam model berkorelasi dengan variabel penjelas, sehingga parameter REM ... see more



The objective of this study is to examine the influence of firm size, debt to equity ratio, board of commissioner size, and return on equity to full disclosure of annual report. This study takes sample from 23 companies in the property and real estate sec... see more



Public finance and economic growth can be regarded as important intruments in reducing poverty in most developing countries. The objectives of this study in to sheds light on the impact of public finance and economic growth on the poverty level in West Ka... see more



Regional development in West Kalimantan faces not only economic problems but also nature and social ones, especially in 1997 as monetary crisis hit the indonesian economy. During the last ten years, started from unfavorable condition with a negative econo... see more



Di kebanyakan negara berkembang privatisasi merupakan metode untuk mengembangkan sektor swasta, karena privatisasi dianggap mampu meningkatkan kinerja ekonomi secara efisien dan seringkali dipandang sebagai alat yang efektif dalam mendorong persaingan pas... see more