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Volume 8 Number 1 Year 2023

19 articles in this issue 

Patrícia Lino, Patrícia Martinho Ferreira

O dossiê temático I Am Embedded in a History of Imposed Silences:1 Práticas literárias e artísticas decoloniais luso-africanas reúne trabalhos críticos e artísticos de autoras(es) africanas(os), portuguesas(es) e afro-portuguesas(es) que se dedicam, a par... see more

Pags. 1 - 3  

Luís Madureira

I analyze two agit-prop plays produced in Angola during the social revolutionary phase immediately after independence (1975-1986). Arguably, this period’s literary and cultural production was governed by a liberation script grounded on a largely “mythic” ... see more

Pags. 5 - 29  

Francisco Noa

This essay seeks to explore the plurality and diversity of dimensions and roles that women assume in José Craveirinha’s literary imagination. The powerful and appealing social and cultural panel formed there stems from the experiences and irreverence of t... see more

Pags. 31 - 49  

Inês Forjaz de Lacerda

Luís Carlos Patraquim’s poetry often explores how bodily sensations blend with those of the natural world as they move throughout Mozambique, particularly the urban city of Maputo and the separate, rural Island of Mozambique. Rough winds breeze through bo... see more

Pags. 51 - 67  

Marie Claire de Mattia

This essay begins with a comparison of Gayatri Spivak’s Can the Subaltern Speak? (1988) and Eni Puccinelli Orlandi’s As formas do silêncio (2007). Through a contrastive analysis of these works, I aim to rephrase our critical understanding of the meaning a... see more

Pags. 69 - 83  

Marlon Augusto Barbosa

Esse texto pretende tecer alguns comentários sobre o filme Virgem Margarida (2012), do diretor Licínio Azevedo. O objetivo é mostrar que, ao recuperar a história das mulheres enviadas para os campos de reeducação e de alguns símbolos da revolução, Licínio... see more

Pags. 85 - 103  

Jesús Alexander Montoya Omaña

O livro Caderno de memórias coloniais (2018), da escritora portuguesa Isabela Figueiredo, potencializa um exemplo da escrita como matriz estranha, pois sua gênese passa por uma construção digital, a partir do formato do blogue, até sua edição impressa no ... see more

Pags. 105 - 124  

Ayodeji Richard Olugbuyiro

While Negritude is certainly the major ideological underpinning that inspired poetry of Black intellectuals opposing racial subjugation in the twentieth century, its relevance in postcolonial times has been a subject of contention. The reasons for this in... see more

Pags. 126 - 151  

Kathryn Sanchez

Grada Kilomba’s performance-installation O barco/The Boat (2021) is a denunciation of the legacies of colonialism, racism, and social injustices in contemporary society. In these times of perpetual crises, race crimes, discrimination, and the mediation of... see more

Pags. 153 - 174  

Pedro Cardim

This article provides an overview of the advancements in discussions surrounding Portugal’s imperial history. It begins by introducing the scholarly developments of recent decades, both during and after Salazar’s dictatorship, highlighting their areas of ... see more

Pags. 176 - 205  

Dário Pequeno Paraíso, Patrícia Martinho Ferreira; Adi Gold

Dário Pequeno Paraíso (Lisbon, 1991) is a Portuguese visual artist born toSantomean parents. In 2014 he moved to São Tomé and Príncipe and created the“Dário Pequeno Paraíso” brand. Aside from featuring his work in commercialprojects, Dário has shown his p... see more

Pags. 207 - 212  

Inês Beleza Barreiros

Salão Nobre | Salão Pobre [Noble Hall, Poor Hall] is an image-memory aimed at unleashing the imagination and encapsulate a potentiality: what is yet not but could otherwise.1 It is a visual intervention into Portugal’s colonial archive, understood here as... see more

Pags. 214 - 220  


Metrópolis, Biru, 2023

Pags. 231