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Objectives: The present research studied moral injury and psychological resilience in healthcare professionals amid COVID-19 pandemic. Relationship between moral injury and resilience was explored in addition to finding the difference in study variables b... see more

Abstract: The aims of this study was to understand how the relationship between self-esteem, social support, extraversion personality, agreeableness personality, conscientiousness personality, neuroticism personality, openness personality, and psychologic... see more

OBJECTIVETo systematically review evidence on dysfunctional psychological responses of Intensive Care Units nurses (ICUNs), with focus on anxiety and depressive symptoms and related factors.METHODA literature search was performed in CINAHL, PubMed and Sco... see more

Calidad de vida en adultos mayores diabéticos tipo 2. Policlínico Hermanos Cruz, 2010 / Quality of life in the elderly suffering from diabetes mellitus type-2. "Hermanos Cruz" Oupatient Clinic, 2010Calidad de vida en adultos mayores diabéticos tipo 2. Policlínico Hermanos Cruz, 2010 / Quality of life in the elderly suffering from diabetes mellitus type-2. "Hermanos Cruz" Oupatient Clinic, 2010Introducción: La calidad de vida es una resultante de la interacción que tiene el sujeto en su contexto y todos aquellos factores socioeconómicos que rodean a una persona. Objetivo: valorar algunos aspectos relacionados con la calidad de vida en los adultos mayores diabéticos tipo 2. Policlínico Hermanos Cruz 2010. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el que se incluyeron a 91 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, que recibieron servicio de atención integral al diabético. Para darle salida a los objetivos propuestos, a cada paciente le fue aplicada una encuesta, y para medir la calidad de vida, se aplicó el cuestionario perfil de calidad de vida en los enfermos crónicos. Resultados: existió un predominio del sexo femenino. Al relacionar la calidad de vida con las variables estudiadas se vieron afectados el grupo de diabéticos con más de 10 años de evolución, los sobrepesos, los portadores de enfermedades cerebro vasculares y con más de una enfermedad crónica no transmisible asociada, de forma general, la calidad de vida se vio afectada en el estado de ánimo negativo, la capacidad psicológica y física así como el estado de ánimo positivo. Conclusión: la Atención Primaria de Salud debe insistir en programar actividades preventivas y de promoción a la salud, hacia los adultos mayores con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 para contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos, y, por ende, aspirar a una longevidad satisfactoria.DeCS: DIABETES MELLITUS, CALIDAD DE VIDA, ADULTO MAYOR.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Quality of life results from the interaction of the subject with the context and all of the surrounding socioeconomic factors.Objective: to assess some aspects related to the quality of life of old patients suffering from diabetes type-2 at "Hermanos Cruz" outpatient clinic in 2010. Methods: a descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted with 91 type 2_diabetic patients; these patients were provided with comprehensive care. To achieve the objectives, a survey to each patient was applied, and the questionnaire to measure quality of life profile for chronic disease sufferers was used as well. Results: female patients prevailed. Generally; those diabetic patients with 10 years of evolution, overweight and individuals suffering from cerebrovascular disorders and non- contagious-associated-chronic diseases, when connecting quality of life profiles with the variables considered, they showed much more health problems respect to: negative and positive states of mind, as in physical or psychological capacity. Conclusion: Primary Health Care must prepare preventive and health promotion activities for the elderly suffering from diabetes mellitus type-2 in order to contribute to the improvement of their quality of life, and as a result, to accomplish the goal of a satisfactory old age.DeCS: Diabetes mellitus/quality of life, old age people.

BackgroundQuality of life tends to decrease as age increases. This study aimed to determine the most significant risk factors (family support, spirituality, and life satisfaction) for the elderly’s quality of life. MethodsThis was a cross-sectional study ... see more

Background: Suicide is one of the commonest causes of death worldwide and has a great public health effect. The cause of suicide is found to be multi-factorial in which biological, psychological, social and environmental factors act together. The choice o... see more

What can be observed is a growing awareness of personal care about one’s own health and increased physical activity. It influenced by numerous external and internal factors, analysed by researchers of Exercise Psychology. Self-esteem and sense of coherenc... see more

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