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Turkey, Turkish Republic


7  Articles
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Toponyms (place names) represent language units denoting elements of topographic environment. The relevance of the study is caused by the need to develop the theory of toponymy and to systematize all the existing toponymic classifications.Place names have... see more

The background subtraction is an important stage in the process of detecting moving objects in video sequences derived from stationary cameras of video surveillance systems (VSS cameras). A variety of approaches to addressing the background selection prob... see more

In the article, an attempt of comparative analysis is made between the texts of two different Turkic epics (the Yakut Olonkho “Kyys Debiliye” and the Khakass alyptic nymakh “Ay Huuchin”) that were published in the academic series “Monuments of folklore of... see more

Widespread globalization and integration remove the borders but this leads to an increase in the income differences among countries. Today, the evaluation process of economic growth experience of countries shows that globalization degree of the economy is... see more

La competencia del profesional de enfermería en la terapia intensiva del Hospital Pediátrico de Matanzas / The nursing professional competency in the intensive care unit of the Pediatric Hospital in MatanzasLa competencia del profesional de enfermería en la terapia intensiva del Hospital Pediátrico de Matanzas / The nursing professional competency in the intensive care unit of the Pediatric Hospital in MatanzasIntroducción: El estudio de las competencias ocupa hoy un espacio de primer orden, lo que ha permitido conocer determinadas tendencias en su definición, clasificación y tratamiento.Objetivo: Evaluar el proceso de competencia del profesional de enfermería.Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en la unidad de terapia intensiva del Hospital Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño de Matanzas, durante el periodo comprendido del curso escolar 2013-2014. El universo estuvo constituido por 24 profesionales de enfermería del servicio, 22 de ellos representaron la muestra. Se elaboró un modelo de vaciamiento, el cual se aplicó a todos los enfermeros examinados que conformaron la muestra. Se utilizó como fuente de información la base de datos del servicio. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron manualmente y se presentaron en tablas estadísticas.Resultados: De los 22 enfermeros examinados, 15 licenciados en enfermería alcanzaron en el examen entre 80 y 100 puntos para un 68%; 14 profesionales evaluados tenían más de 10 años de graduados para un 64%, de los cuales 7 cumplían más de 10 años de experiencia en el servicio. 16 de los profesionales examinados fueron capacitados previamente para el 72.7%; los temas seleccionados para la competencia en el servicio  fueron evaluados de bien y excelente.Conclusiones: La experiencia en el servicio y los años de graduado, además de la capacitación previa al examen, influyó en los resultados de los temas evaluados en el instrumento aplicado.AbstractIntroduction: Nowadays the study of competencies occupies a first-rate space that has permitted to know some tendencies in its treatment, definition and classifications.Objective: To evaluate the nursing professional's competency process.Methodology: A descriptive and retrospective study in the Intensive Care Unit at Matanzas Pediatric Hospital during the academic year 2013-2014 was done. The universe was constituted by 24 nursing professionals of the service which represented a sample of 22 professionals. A model of emptying was elaborated which was applied to all the examined nurses who conformed the sample. The data base of the service was used as a source of information. They processed the obtained data manually and they were showed up in statistical draws.Results: Of the 22 examined nurses, 15 bachelors in nursing got from 80 -100 points which represents 68 %; with a greater incidence in 14 professionals with more that 10 years of graduates which represents 64% and 7 of these with over 10 years of experience in the service which represents 45,4%, 16 professionals were capacitated previously for the 72,7%; themes selected for the competency in the service were evaluated as well and excellent.Conclusions: Experience in the service and years of graduated, in addition to previous capacitation to the exam influenced on the results of the evaluated themes in the applied instrument.


Introduction: The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) includes an ontology to represent the terms contained within it. In Brazil, in order to contribute to the development of this classification, an ontology was elaborated, comp... see more

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