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Every school must use distance learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 epidemic since face-to-face instruction will no longer be available to ensure that learning is maintained. There are challenges in its application, including limited internet connection and... see more

Caracterización clínico epidemiológico de la COVID-19 en pacientes de Gibara, Holguín, abril 2020 / Epidemic and clinical characterization of COVID-19 patients from Gibara, Holguin, April, 2020 Caracterización clínico epidemiológico de la COVID-19 en pacientes de Gibara, Holguín, abril 2020 / Epidemic and clinical characterization of COVID-19 patients from Gibara, Holguin, April, 2020Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento clínico epidemiológico enpacientes portadores de la COVID-19 de Gibara, Holguín, duranteel período comprendido desde 1 hasta el 30 de abril de 2020.Materiales y métodos: se realizó una investigación de serie decasos, para caracterizar el comportamiento de la COVID-19 enpacientes del municipio de Gibara, Holguín, durante el períodocomprendido desde 1 hasta el 30 de abril de 2020. El universoestuvo constituido por todos los casos confirmados con el virusSARS-CoV2. Los datos fueron tomados de los informes estadísticosde la Unidad Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología y de la encuestaaplicada a todos los pacientes.Resultados: el estudio incluyó a 30 pacientes. Presentaronevolución clínica estable 28 casos y falleció un paciente para unatasa de letalidad del 3,33%; 14 de ellos resultaron asintomáticos(46,66%). Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: tos y fiebre,con 11 casos (36,66%), respectivamente; 26 pacientes fueronautóctonos, contacto de caso positivo (86,67%). Los consejospopulares de la ciudad cabecera municipal presentaron el 80% delos casos y una tasa del 31,15 por 105.Conclusiones: la COVID-19 en Gibara tuvo un mayorcomportamiento en el sexo masculino y el grupo etario de 19 a40 años. Más de las tres cuartas partes de los pacientes estánrecuperados, más de la mitad estaban asintomáticos, la tos fue elsíntoma más presentado y los consejos populares de la ciudad deGibara, tuvieron más de las tres cuartas partes de los casos.Palabras clave: COVID-19; epidemiología; sintomatología.ABSTRACTObjective: to characterize the epidemic and clinical behavior inpatients suffering from COVID-19 in Gibara, Holguín, in April 2020.Materials and methods: a research of series of cases was carriedout to characterize the behavior of the COVID-19 in patients of themunicipality of Gibara, Holguín from April 1st to the 30th, 2020.The universe was all the confirmed cases with SARS-CoV2 virus.The data were taken from the statistical reports of the MunicipalUnit of Hygiene and Epidemiology, and from the survey applied toall the patients.Results: the study included 30 patients, 28 cases presented astable clinical evolution and there was a deceased, for a lethal rateof 3,33%; there were 14 asymptomatic patients, which represents46,66%. The most frequent symptoms were: cough and fever in11 cases, 36.66%; 26 patients were autochthonous contacts ofpositive cases (86,67%). The local neighborhoods from the citycenter had 80% of the cases and a rate of 31.15 X 105.Conclusions: the COVID-19 in Gibara had more influence in themales, and the most affected age group was from 19 to 40. Morethan three quarter of the patient are already recovered, morethan half were asymptomatic, the cough was the most commonsymptom and the local neighborhhoods of the city had more thanthree quarters of the cases.Keywords: COVID-19; epidemiology; symptoms.

pacientes portadores de la COVID-19 de Gibara, Holguín, duranteel período comprendido desde 1 hasta el 30 de abril de 2020.Materiales y métodos: se realizó una investigación de serie decasos, para caracterizar el comportamiento de la COVID-19 enpacientes ... see more

Infectious outbreaks that lead to epidemics and pandemics are dreaded because of the adverse health, economic, and social effects. The 1918 pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza virus killed 40 million people worldwide. Like the case of COVID-19, the pand... see more

This Research was condusted because of the emergence of a virus namely corona virus disease 19 (called Covid 19) which is endemic throughout the world. The ministry of education in Indonesia which calls for education to be carrid out through cyberspace to... see more

This brief essay highlights the major themes of the issue while describing the challenges museums have faced during the COVID-19 epidemic and simultaneous Black Lives Matter movement.

This brief essay highlights the major themes of the issue while describing the challenges museums have faced during the COVID-19 epidemic and simultaneous Black Lives Matter movement.

Surabaya merupakan rangking tertinggi ketidakberhasilan penanganan Covid-19. Oleh sebab itu kesiapan Pemkot Kota Surabaya melakukan terobosan-terobosan dalam menemukan, menangani dan membatasi terjadinya mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Tahapan atau langk... see more

Since Covid-19 pandemic occurred, the government and authorities in Indonesia have restricted almost all community activities in Indonesia, including various activities in houses of worship having an impact on the socio-economic vulnerability of Muslims. ... see more

This article was to determine the voice of the international community in responding to the challenges of school closure policies during the 2019 Covid-19 pandemic. Effort to break the chain transmission of Covid-19 was believed to be closely related to t... see more

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