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fishing vessels for catching small pelagic fish resources in fishing line III FMA 572 are dominated by vessels with a capacity of <30 GT. The capacity of vessels and fishing gear for pelagic types is 180 GT purse vessels. The research is study developm... see more

Introduction. The growth of information load in the context of the introduction of the latest educational programs puts forward increased demands on the psychophysiological capabilities of the organism of schoolchildren, creates serious emotional, cogniti... see more

This paper describes the concepts of capacity and Level of Service of two-lane roads. The paper also includes an overview of different methodologies for capacity and Level of Service analyisis of Two-lane road, such as HCM 2010, HCM 2015, HBS 2001, HBS 20... see more

Validación de un Programa de ejercicios físicos en el mar para el asma bronquial. Gibara 2017 / Validation of a program of physical exercises at sea for bronchial asthma. Gibara 2017 Validación de un Programa de ejercicios físicos en el mar para el asma bronquial. Gibara 2017 / Validation of a program of physical exercises at sea for bronchial asthma. Gibara 2017Objetivo: valorar un programa de ejercicios físicos en el mar, como alternativa de tratamiento.Materiales y métodos: el programa de ejercicios para el Asma fue evaluado en Gibara, Holguín. Se aplicó elmétodo Delphi, para la valoración del programa. Se decidió someter al peritaje de 30 expertos. Se hizo llegar a todos los expertos un cuestionario para que cada uno de ellos, de modo individual, se pronunciara con respecto a los seis aspectos evaluados en el programa, en varias rondas.Resultados: La evaluación final fue de Muy adecuado y Bastante adecuado para lo seis aspectos.Conclusiones: este programa es profiláctico no tiene fin curativo y además no requiere de ningún aparato mecánico especial para su aplicación, el fin concreto es contribuir a que el organismo se encuentre entrenado y por lo tanto fortalecido para el manejo de su enfermedad.ABASTRACObjective: to evaluate a program of physical exercises at sea, as an alternative treatment.Materials and methods: the exercise program for asthma was evaluated in Gibara, Holguín. The Delphi method was applied for the evaluation of the program. It was decided to submit to the expertise of 30 experts. A questionnaire was sent to all the experts so that each one of them, individually, decided on the six aspects evaluated in the program, in several rounds.Results: The final evaluation was of Very adequate and Fairly adequate for the six aspects.Conclusions: this program is prophylactic has no curative purpose and also does not require any specialmechanical device for its application, the specific purpose is to contribute to the body is trained and therefore strengthened for the management of their disease.Keywords: thalassotherapy; kinesitherapy; Bronchial asthma; Delphi method; Respiratory capacity.

Materiales y métodos: el programa de ejercicios para el Asma fue evaluado en Gibara, Holguín. Se aplicó elmétodo Delphi, para la valoración del programa. Se decidió someter al peritaje de 30 expertos. Se hizo llegar a todos los expertos un cuestionario pa... see more

In this contribution the focus falls on the capacity to act of majors who, due to mental or physical disabilities, lack the ability to make sound decisions in respect of their estate, conclude juristic acts that lead to undue harsh consequences for themse... see more

The research aim is to improve the system of chickpea protection from pests, based on clarification of their specific composition and harmfulness under conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.In modern field crop rotations leguminous crops cultivation favo... see more

This document presents the analysis of seismic vulnerability and load capacity for Cesar Gaviria Trujilo Viaduct, by means of structural reliability techniques based on instrumentation works. Such study includes: geophysical trial tests, trials tests on m... see more

This chapter describes the physiological responses associated with aerobic power and capacity of combat sports athletes from different modalities (judo, Brazilian jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Olympic boxing, taekwondo, karate and muay-thai) during specific and n... see more

The objective of this work is to model an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the value of specific heat capacity of working fluid LiBr-H2O used in vapour absorption refrigeration systems. A feed forward back propagation algorithm is used for the n... see more

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