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Modelo pedagógico para el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional de los profesores de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Pedagogical model for the improvement of the professional performance of the professors of the Latin American School of Medicine Modelo pedagógico para el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional de los profesores de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Pedagogical model for the improvement of the professional performance of the professors of the Latin American School of MedicineObjetivo: diseñar un modelo pedagógico desde un enfoque sociocultural que contribuya al mejoramiento del desempeño profesional pedagógico de los profesores de la ELAM.Materiales y Métodos: mediante un estudio, basado en el método histórico lógico y la sistematización, se construyóun sistema teórico conceptual que fundamenta un enfoque sociocultural en el proceso docente. Mediante la encuesta, entrevista a profesores, directivos y la observación al desempeño se diagnosticó el estado inicial del desempeño profesional. Se estructuró, a partir de esos resultados y mediante la modelación y el método sistémico estructuralfuncional, un nuevo modelo pedagógico en las dimensiones docente, científico técnica y de superación. El modelo se estructura a partir de su misión y objetivo en etapas. Estas contienen acciones y metodologías para su puesta en práctica.Resultados: se elaboró un material teórico metodológico que fundamenta la aplicación de un enfoque sociocultural en elproceso pedagógico que forma médicos para el mundo y un modelo pedagógico con sus acciones y metodologías que mejoró el desempeño profesional pedagógico de los profesores involucrados en la investigación. La observación al desempeño, como método de comprobar la viabilidad y la consulta a especialistas calificó al modelo como muy adecuado.Conclusiones: el cumplimiento de las tareas de investigación, la aplicación parcial del modelo de mejoramiento del desempeño profesional pedagógico de los profesores de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina para un enfoque sociocultural al proceso docente y los resultados obtenidos con los métodos e instrumentos científicos aplicados, permitieron afirmar la viabilidad y pertinencia del modelo pedagógico propuesto.ABSTRACTObjetivo: to design a pedagogical model from a sociocultural approach that contributes to the improvement of the pedagogical professional performance of ELAM teachers.Materials and Methods: by means of a study, based on the logical historical method and the systematization, a conceptual theoretical system was constructed that bases a sociocultural approach in the teaching process. Through the survey, interview with professors, managers and observation of performance, the initial state of professional performance was diagnosed. A new pedagogical model in the teaching, scientific-technical, and overcoming dimensions was structured based on theseresults and through modeling and the structural-functional systemic method. The model is structured based on its mission and objective in stages. These contain actions and methodologies for its implementation.Results: a methodological theoretical material was elaborated that bases the application of a sociocultural approach in the pedagogical process that forms doctors for the world and a pedagogical model with its actions and methodologies that improved the pedagogical professional performance of the professors involved in the research. Observation of performance, as a method of verifying viability and consultation with specialists, qualified the model as very appropriate.Conclusions: the fulfillment of the research tasks, the partial application of the model of improvement of the pedagogical professional performance of the professors of the Latin American School of Medicine for a sociocultural approach to the teaching process and the results obtained with the applied scientific methods and instruments, allowed affirm the viability and relevance of the proposed pedagogical model.Keywords: cultural diversity; Pedagogical model; sociocultural approach; professional performance.

Materiales y Métodos: mediante un estudio, basado en el método histórico lógico y la sistematización, se construyóun sistema teórico conceptual que fundamenta un enfoque sociocultural en el proceso docente. Mediante la encuesta, entrevista a profesores, d... see more

Background of the study: Lack of information on functional food ingredients in book form has encouraged LIPI Press to create an incubation scheme for scientific publications that can Accelerate the process of publishing scientific texts, roommates are alw... see more

Because of their wide applications in human or animal medicine, the natural products have been the subject of investigation. Aristolochic acids (AAs) (Aristolochiaceae), however toxic, are reported for many medicinal uses. In this work, computational stud... see more

This article aims to analyse the challenges of legal functionality as an instrument for transforming indigenous villages from ‘traditional’ to ‘modern.’ This is a post-new-order historical impetus for the coincidence of indigenous and nationalism as a sig... see more

This article aims to analyse the challenges of legal functionality as an instrument for transforming indigenous villages from ‘traditional’ to ‘modern.’ This is a post-new-order historical impetus for the coincidence of indigenous and nationalism as a sig... see more

Employees engaged in mental work have become the most valuable assets of any organization in the 21st century. The satisfaction of those involved in mental work requires the provision of objectivity and transparency in their decision-making. This, in turn... see more

Paper description:lncRNA-long non-coding RNA nuclear enriched abundant transcript 1 (NEAT1) is involved in the initiation and progression of multiple cancers.We examined the function of NEAT1 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC); cytobiological and bioch... see more

Paper description:As a part of their microenvironment, extracellular hemoglobin has the potential to modify functional characteristics of satellite cells that act as myogenesis initiators.The effect of extracellular xenogeneic hemoglobin (porcine and bovi... see more

1 of 1.839 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»