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The aims of this study is to capture the development of sustainability reporting research using the Scopus Database. This study use bibliometric method to present quantitative result in capturing those development. There are several indicators used such a... see more

A query is a syntax or command used in a database system to access and display data. Queries can be used to make data interact with each other. To display query results in the database, of course, requires execution time which is usually denoted in second... see more

Background Cervical cancer is an important cause of female mortality. Its incidence, however, has been drastically reduced by early detection using the Papanicolaou screening method. As a result of the widespread use of this method, a large amount of cyto... see more

Background Cervical cancer is an important cause of female mortality. Its incidence, however, has been drastically reduced by early detection using the Papanicolaou screening method. As a result of the widespread use of this method, a large amount of cyto... see more

Background Cervical cancer is an important cause of female mortality. Its incidence, however, has been drastically reduced by early detection using the Papanicolaou screening method. As a result of the widespread use of this method, a large amount of cyto... see more

Introspective verbal reports have been incorporated into many studies on L2 reading and writing. In contrary, they are less utilised in studies on L2 listening and speaking. The objective of this review is to describe the use of verbal reports in recent s... see more

Healthcare Monitoring merupakan teknologi monitoring yang dikhususkan untuk memantau kondisi vital sign pada pasien. Monitoring yang dilakukan adalah memantau vital sign pada pasien. Penggunaan komunikasi wireless ini difungsikan untuk meningkatkan aksesi... see more

Abstract Currently, the field vaccination data reporting activities held by health care facilities (Fasyankes) in collaboration with Bandung Health Office are still done manually, it results in the process of recording vaccination report data takes a... see more

Caracterización de la incidencia de las intoxicaciones por metales en Cuba reportadas al centro nacional de toxicología. 2005-2014 / Characterization of the incidence of the intoxications by metals in cuba reported to the National Center Of Toxicology. 20 Caracterización de la incidencia de las intoxicaciones por metales en Cuba reportadas al centro nacional de toxicología. 2005-2014 / Characterization of the incidence of the intoxications by metals in cuba reported to the National Center Of Toxicology. 20Objetivo: caracterizar las intoxicaciones por metales según reportes al Centro Nacional de Toxicología.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y longitudinal de tipo retrospectivo en el período comprendido entre 2005-2014. El universo estuvo conformado por 403 pacientes sintomáticos o no, expuestos a metales, según consultas al Centro Nacional de Toxicología y la muestra por 207 pacientes que desarrollaronmanifestaciones clínicas.Resultados: de los 207 pacientes la mayor incidencia de intoxicaciones por metales fue provocada por plomo en el período de estudio. En más de la mitad de los casos intoxicados por metales la evolución fue mejorada, aunque no se usó antídoto. El grupo de edad de 0 a 14 años fue el más afectado.Conclusiones: el estudio concluye con una propuesta de diagnóstico y tratamiento para las intoxicaciones por los metales: plomo, mercurio, arsénico y cobre.Characterization of the incidence of the intoxications by metals in cuba reported to theNational Center Of Toxicology. 2005-2014ABSTRACTObjective: to characterize intoxications by metals according to reports to the National Center of Toxicology.Method: a retrospective descriptive, observational and longitudinal study was carried out in the period from 2005-2014. The universe consisted of 403 symptomatic patients or not, exposed to metals, according to the National Toxicology Center and the sample by 207 patients who developed clinical manifestations.Materials and methods: a bibliographic review was carried out in different databases such as: Ebsco, Cumed, Google Académico, Redalyc, as well as in the Library and the Statistics Department of the National Center of Toxicology (CENATOX). The data was obtained by emptying the Model 03.Results: of the 207 patients, the highest incidence of metal poisoning was caused by lead in the study period. In more than half of the cases poisoned by metals, the evolution was improved, although no antidote was used. The age groupfrom 0 to 14 years old was the most affected.Conclusions: the study concludes with a proposal for diagnosis and treatment for poisoning by metals: lead, mercury, arsenic and copper.Keywords: metals; heavy metals; poisonous.

Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y longitudinal de tipo retrospectivo en el período comprendido entre 2005-2014. El universo estuvo conformado por 403 pacientes sintomáticos o no, expuestos a metales, según consultas ... see more

1 of 6.830 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»