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Tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei Risso, 1810) adalah satu jenis ikan tuna neritik yang terdapat di perairan Samudera Hindia selatan Jawa. Tingkat pemanfaatan pada saat ini diduga telah mencapai fully exploited. Penelitian tongkol lisong dilakukan untuk memper... see more

Valoración cualitativa sobre la “sensación térmica” en aulas del edificio de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Qualitative assessment on the “thermal sensation” in the building’s classrooms Premedic of the Latin American School of Medi Valoración cualitativa sobre la “sensación térmica” en aulas del edificio de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Qualitative assessment on the “thermal sensation” in the building’s classrooms Premedic of the Latin American School of MediObjetivo: valorar cualitativamente el rango de la sensación térmica durante los horarios docentes en las aulas seleccionadas del edificio de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina en días con condiciones climáticas características.Métodos: para la determinación de los valores aproximados de la “sensación térmica” en las aulas seleccionadas, se tomaron los datos de la temperatura del aire, humedad relativa y velocidad del viento dentro del local, medidos a las 7:30 a.m y 1:00 p.m, respectivamente en días húmedos de verano correspondientes al mes de junio de 2017. Se consideró a priori que ambos horarios eran representativos de los momentos más fríos y cálidos del día. Se realizó revisión de documentos, análisis y síntesis e inducción y deducción sistematización. Resultados: se efectuaron valoraciones cualitativas de la ventilación natural, y aproximadas de las temperaturas y humedad del aire en las aulas PM-II-1, PM-II-9, PM-II-10, PM-II-11, PM-II-12, PM-II-13 y PM-II-14, en días húmedos de verano cuya temperatura ambiente era de 290C - 340C y la humedad rela-tiva entre el 90% y 95%, correspondientes al mes de junio, en dos horarios: 7:30 a.m y 1:00 p.m. A partir de las valoraciones obtenidas se determinó la temperatura de sensación que mostró valores por encima de los 500C.Conclusiones: en días de condiciones climáticas características de alta humedad y temperatura, la sensación térmica en los locales estudiados alcanza los valores descritos por la literatura especializada como peligrosos para la salud de las personas. Palabras clave: sensación térmica; temperatura de sensación; aulas calurosas.ABSTRACT Objective: to assess qualitatively the range of the thermal sensation during teaching hours in selected classrooms of the Premedic building of the Latin American School of Medicine on days with characteristic climatic conditions.Methods: for the determination of the approximate values of the “thermal sensation” in the selected classrooms, the data of the air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed inside the premises were taken, measured at 7:30 a.m and 1:00 p.m, respectively on humid summer days corresponding to the month of June 2017. It was considered a priori that both schedules were representative of the coldest and hottest times of the day. A review of documents, analysis and synthesis, induction, systematization deduction was carried out.Results: qualitative assessments of natural ventilation were made, and approximate of air temperatures and humidity in rooms PM-II-1, PM-II-9, PM-II-10, PM-II-11, PM-II -12, PM-II-13 and PM-II-14, on humid summer days whose ambient temperature was 290C - 340C and the relative humidity between 90% and 95%, corresponding to the month of june, in two opening hours: 7:30 a.m and 1:00 p.m. From the obtained valuations the temperature of sensation that showed values over 500C was determined.Conclusions: in days of climatic conditions characteristic of high humidity and temperature, the thermal sensation in the studied premises reaches the values described by the specialized literature as dangerous for the health of people. Keywords: thermal sensation; sensation temperature; warm classrooms.

ABSTRACT Objective: to assess qualitatively the range of the thermal sensation during teaching hours in selected classrooms of the Premedic building of the Latin American School of Medicine on days with characteristic climatic conditions.Methods: for the ... see more

Fagoniaindicais a member of Zygophyllaceae family. The plant is used in indigenous medicine to treatvarious ailmentssuch as tumors, abscesses, wounds, scrofulous glands and other swellings of neck. The present study was designed to evaluate antimicrobial ... see more

This study was aimed at determining the possible transplacental transmission of Trypanosoma evansi in experimentally infected albino rats. Eight, two weeks pregnant female albino rats were used for this study.Infectivity was achieved using blood containin... see more

We’ll have trouble now!The Archaeological Society of Jutland was founded on Sunday, 11 March 1951. As with most projects with which P.V Glob was involved, this did not pass off without drama. Museum people and amateur archaeologists in large numbers appea... see more

In the present study the native biocontrol agents (BCA) were isolated from rhizosphere viz. Gliocladium roseum from apple; Paecilomyces varioti, Trichothecium roseum and Aspergillus flavus from mulberry; Trichoderma viride (isolate-I&II) of mushroom and p... see more

In the present study the native biocontrol agents (BCA) were isolated from rhizosphere viz. Gliocladium roseum from apple; Paecilomyces varioti, Trichothecium roseum and Aspergillus flavus from mulberry; Trichoderma viride (isolate-I&II) of mushroom and p... see more

We’ll have trouble now!The Archaeological Society of Jutland was founded on Sunday, 11 March 1951. As with most projects with which P.V Glob was involved, this did not pass off without drama. Museum people and amateur archaeologists in large numbers appea... see more

Study on In Vitro Inhibitory Ability of Endophytic and Exophytic Fungusin Suppressing the Growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vanillae thatCauses Stem Rot of Vanilla. Vanilla stem rot disease caused by Fusarium oxysporumf.sp. vanillae , is still a very dan... see more

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