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The problem of motivation and interest to the study of English at the first stage of training is studied in the article. When teaching the motive is defined as the relation between the student and the whole complex of actions, in the result of which the c... see more

Collective action has been used as a strategy to improve the benefits of smallholder producers of kola nuts in Cameroon. Despite demonstrated benefits, not all producers are involved in the collective action. The presented study used a modified Technology... see more

Impacto de la asignatura Aprender a Aprender en la motivación por el estudio/ impact; learning to learn; motivation; learning/impact; learning to learn; motivation; learning Impacto de la asignatura Aprender a Aprender en la motivación por el estudio/ impact; learning to learn; motivation; learning/impact; learning to learn; motivation; learningObjetivo: valorar el impacto de la asignatura Aprender a Aprender en la motivación por el estudio.Métodos: la investigación acción participativa, con una muestra intencional de 177 estudiantes de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina del curso 2017-2018 empleó métodos teóricos, matemáticos estadísticos y la etnografía, apoyado en técnicas participativas con enfoque dialéctico materialista. Se solicitó valoración por nueve especialistas yprofesores, metodólogos y profesor consultante.Resultados: mediante la caracterización inicial y el diagnóstico psicopedagógico, se evidenció modos de actuación de los estudiantes que demuestran necesidades y limitaciones en las formaciones psicológicas para el desempeño académico. Eldiseño de una estrategia de intervención psicopedagógica individual y grupal, permitió elevar los niveles motivacionales de los estudiantes desde la asignatura Aprender a Aprender.Conclusiones: la caracterización inicial realizada a los estudiantes, aportó elementos esenciales de la personalidad que influyen en la motivación por el estudio. El diagnóstico inicial y su seguimiento por docentes y especialistas a través del diseño y aplicación de una estrategia de intervención y orientación psicopedagógica desde la asignatura Aprender a Aprender, elevó los niveles motivacionales por el estudio para el éxito en el desempeño académico y el desarrollo de habilidades para la extrapolación de conocimientos, demostrando su impacto en los niveles de comprensión, participación,compromiso, satisfacción, aceptación, interés e independencia de los estudiantes.ABSTRACTObjective: to evaluate the impact of the subject learning to learn in the motivation for the studyMethods: the action participate investigation, with an intentional sample of 177 students from preparatorycourse of Latin American Medicine School of 2017-2018 course used theoretical, mathematical- statistical methods and ethnography, supported on participative techniques with dialectic materialist approach. Validation from nine specialists, professors and expert professors was requested.Results: throughout the initial characterization and psichopedagogical diagnosis, students ways of performance that show necessities and limitations in the psychological formations for academicals performance. the design of the strategy of individual and group psichopedagogical intervention, allowed to improve the levels of motivation from the subject learning to learn.Conclusions: the initial characterization realized to students, contributed esencial elements of personalitythat influence in the motivation for study. The initial diagnosis and its pursuit by academicians and specialists throughout the design and application of an intervention and psichopedagogical orientation strategy from the subject Learning to Learn, upheaved the motivational levels for the study to the success in the academicals performance and the development of abilities for extrapolation of knowledges, showing its impact in the comprehension levels, participation, compromise, satisfaction, acceptation, interest and independence of the students.

Métodos: la investigación acción participativa, con una muestra intencional de 177 estudiantes de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina del curso 2017-2018 empleó métodos teóricos, matemáticos estadísticos y la etnografía, apoyado en técnica... see more

Motivation to study is a topic to be studied on various levels of educational process, although the methods to be used can be very different. We have examined the motivational response of university students on various motivational actions. Credit tests r... see more

The aim of the article is in the description a) of finding out motivation peculiarities in extended monologue expressions and speech motives of the children of five and six years olds in ontogenesis; b) established connection between development... see more

Self-motivation is the driving force behind taking action and achieving high performance. An individual must be motivated by his own desire to pursue the goals of the organization or agency. The problem in this study is how to describe self-motivation in ... see more

This study aims to increase motivation in memorizing the Qur'an by using the hand gesture method on Al-Qur'an material in VA class students at SD Muhammadiyah Karangakjen Yogyakarta. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects o... see more

Action research has been a prominent topic in continuous professional development literature. Studies have evidenced its potentials for teachers, but not many have discussed the sustainability of the research as a means of Teacher Professional Development... see more

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