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Library and Museology
Social Sciences




11  Articles
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ABSTRACTThe article examines the tree cult, which occupies a large place in the mythology of the peoples of the world using a historical-comparative approach. It is substantiated the idea that in the mythological thinking of most peoples, the tree has var... see more

O estudo sobre políticas culturais tem conhecido progressivo crescimento no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Nesse artigo, será tomado como foco de análise um grupo de intelectuais, denominado aqui de Rede Cult, cuja produção tem se tornado refe... see more

The bronze deposits from Resenlund and Brøndumgård In the Late Bronze Age, bronze deposits in fields and bogs constitute a large part of the archaeological material. Huge values were deposited in the ground during this period, and the archaeological mater... see more

Monumental Ship-Settings in Denmark and ScaniaThis paper, based on the author’s thesis, evolved from an attempt to determine the age, function, background and symbolism of seemingly grave-less monumental ship-settings – i.e. ship-settings with a length of... see more

»Tolu Bommalu Kattu«. The shadow play in Andhra PradeshThis article is based on a study of the present status of certain forms of Indian folk drama, carried out during a 6 months' stay in India 1970. Puppet shows and shadow plays were found to be those fo... see more

Solar Chariot and Solar CultIn any discussion of the cult of the sun in the Bronze Age the solar chariot from Trundholm must take a central position. It is in itself sufficient evidence that the people of the Bronze Age were sun-worshippers. It is therefo... see more

O estudo sobre políticas culturais tem conhecido progressivo crescimento no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Nesse artigo, será tomado como foco de análise um grupo de intelectuais, denominado aqui de Rede Cult, cuja produção tem se tornado refe... see more

The bronze deposits from Resenlund and Brøndumgård In the Late Bronze Age, bronze deposits in fields and bogs constitute a large part of the archaeological material. Huge values were deposited in the ground during this period, and the archaeological mater... see more

Monumental Ship-Settings in Denmark and ScaniaThis paper, based on the author’s thesis, evolved from an attempt to determine the age, function, background and symbolism of seemingly grave-less monumental ship-settings – i.e. ship-settings with a length of... see more

1 of 2 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»