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La comprensión de textos desde las relaciones interdisciplinarias / The text comprehension from the interdisciplinary relationships La comprensión de textos desde las relaciones interdisciplinarias / The text comprehension from the interdisciplinary relationshipsObjetivo: socializar un sistema de actividades que contribuya al desarrollo de la comprensión de textos desde las relaciones interdisciplinarias en la asignatura de español.Materiales y métodos: en la investigación se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos que permitieron detectar insuficiencias en el desarrollo de la comprensión de textos, sistematizar los referentes teóricos relacionados con el objeto de estudio y diseñar el sistema de actividades para la comprensión de textos desde las relaciones interdisciplinarias en la asignatura español. Resultados: un sistema de actividades que se caracteriza por ser dinámico y flexible, interdisciplinario, procedimental, reflexivo, educativo e instructivo que favorece el desarrollo de hábitos y habilidades, trabaja con diferentes tipos de textos mediante un sistema de procedimientos y métodos que permitan desarrollar una actitud activa y consciente del estudiante ante el aprendizaje.Conclusiones: el sistema de acciones para la comprensión de textos desde las relaciones interdisciplinarias basado en el trabajo con los diferentes tipos de textos de las disímiles materias es una vía para la asimilación de nuevos conocimientos y estimula el aprendizaje para actuar de manera independiente y planificada ante circunstancias más complejas, al tiempo que modelan la actuación del estudiante.Palabras clave: comprensión de textos; aprendizaje; relaciones interdisciplinarias.ABSTRACT Objective: to socialize the activities that contribute to the development of text comprehension from the interdisciplinary relationships in the Spanish subject.Materials and methods: theorical, empirical and mathematical methods were used in the investigation that allowed to detect insufficiencies in the development of text comprehension, to systematize the theorical regarding related to the study objective and to design the system of activities for text comprehension from the interdisciplinary relationships in the Spanish subject. Results: a system of activities that is characterized by be dynamical and flexible, interdisciplinary, proceeding, reflexive, educative and instructive that patronize the development of habits and abilities, work with different type of texts throughout a proceeding system that allow to develop an active  and conscious aptitude of the student for the learning.Conclusions: the actions system for the text comprehension from the interdisciplinary relationships based on the work with the different type of texts of the dissimilar materials is a way for the assimilation of new knowledges and  stimulates the learning to perform of independent and planned way in more complicated circumstances, at the time that modeling the student´s performance. Keywords: text comprehension; interdisciplinary relationships.

ABSTRACT Objective: to socialize the activities that contribute to the development of text comprehension from the interdisciplinary relationships in the Spanish subject.Materials and methods: theorical, empirical and mathematical methods were used in the ... see more

Abstract: The present study aimed at identifying the ability of Mindfulness, psychological resilience and emotional intelligence in predicting social emotional learning among a sample of student teachers at the Faculty of Education, Menoufia University. T... see more

A major strand of science and technology studies in recent decades has relatedto the social construction of technology (SCOT) movement, whose adherentsmaintain that technological systems are determined just as much by social forcesas by technological ones... see more

This article presents findings from a case study on a fully online bachelor’s level course at an Australian University. The study was undertaken to demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrated methodological framework (IMF) in structurally exploring an... see more

A major strand of science and technology studies in recent decades has relatedto the social construction of technology (SCOT) movement, whose adherentsmaintain that technological systems are determined just as much by social forcesas by technological ones... see more

Abstract : The research aims to discover (i) the learning activeness of class IV students at SDN 257 Akkalibatue in Liliriaja Sub-district of Soppeng District before the implementation of Outdoor Social Science learning; (ii) the learning activeness of cl... see more

This study aims to determine the effect of learning design outside the classroom on students' creative thinking skills in social studies learning for fourth-grade elementary school students. This research uses an experimental research method with a quasi-... see more

Las universidades contemporáneas muestran interés por emplear las redes sociales como herramientas de apoyo para mejorar el proceso de formación profesional, los docentes emplean dichas redes para crear conocimientos que comparten con sus estudiantes, lo ... see more

O Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) se mostrou uma possibilidade diante da pandemia causada pela COVID-19. Por outro lado, trouxe muitos desafios, em particular no que se refere à interação e aprendizagem de estudantes de cursos presenciais. Baseado na pers... see more

1 of 19.668 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»