The article is devoted to the actual problem of nurturing the value attitude to the Motherland from younger students by means of folk pedagogy.The purpose of the article is to substantiate and disclose the project technology "tree of life-tree of the genus", aimed at the cultivation of value relations to the Motherland on the basis of generalized knowledge about the means of folk pedagogy of a younger student.The complex of the following diagnostic methods was used in the research: interrogation, indirect pedagogical observation, questionnaires, piloting collective and individual conversations, in order to identify the levels of understanding the essence of the value attitude to the Motherland on the basis of folk pedagogy by the cognitive-reflexive criterion.The scientific approaches (cultural, personality-oriented, competent, activity and system) were determined, the principles and methods on the basis of which the model "Trees of life – trees of the genus" and the project technology of education of value relations to the Motherland by means of folk pedagogy were developed.A general overview of the tools of folk pedagogy that take place in the project technology is given, their essence and significance are revealed, in the context of which the experience of cultural heritage of the people is transmitted through "spiritual interaction", "dialogical communication" and subject-subject relations with the purpose of upbringing the value attitude towards the MotherlandOn the basis of the analyzed curricula, the volume of realization of the sciences that contribute to the education of value relations in the Motherland has been identified.The main problems of upbringing of value attitudes to the Motherland are determined on the basis of folk pedagogics in the system "tree of life - tree of kind".According to the author, the introduction of the proposed project technology into the educational process will help to increase the level of national identity and national-cultural identity.

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