Code Mixing on Menu Brochure In Cafes and The Implications for Tourist Attractions, in Bandung, INA


The aims of this study was to describe the types of code mixing used by café managers, to find out the respond of the consumers, the motivation of managers to use code mixing on menu brochure and the implications to attract many tourists to come to the cafes. The method used in this research, is the qualitative method. The researchers found data by colleting the menu, identifying types of code mixing, analyzing the implications of code mixing for tourist attractions. The results of this study are two kinds of code mixing in phrases and clauses. The respond of the constumers have positive responses. They like the menu brochure that used a mix of Indonesian and English. In addition, the motivation of café managers used the code mixing in menus to attract consumers’ interest, adjust to the currents conditions in society and to use it in learning media. The use of code mixing English into Indonesian on the menu brochure has some implications to ease the visitors for understanding the menu offered, the effectiveness of using English in menu content, and to help managers to attract visitors to enjoy culinary tourism.

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