The Implementation of CTL Approach in the Teaching and Learning Creative Writing on Grade VIII of Taebenu Secondary School Kupang, NTT


Educational conditions in the Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) region may be said not to approach the provisions of national standards when compared to the educational conditions in other regions in Indonesia western hemisphere. There are some factors as the main causes of the conditions as referred to, namely the weak carrying capacity of natural resources, average economic ability at the level of pre-prosperous, cultural feast that is still hard to remove, and a strong mastery of local language. Some of the basic factors are then added by the preparation of facilities and infrastructure in each school unit that is still below the quality standards; this always leads the quality of graduations in this area in the red zone. In response to a number of main causing factors above, the regional government has improved itself through superior programs, such as intensification of agricultural land and livestock, forest conservation and reforestation surrounding catchment areas, cooperative development ranging from family, and efforts to promote the spirit of student learning through gong learning. All of the government programs lead to one single goal, namely to improve the livelihoods of NTT communities leading to better conditions. That is, if all the government programs are applied without any problems, then certainly the economic livelihoods of household, the health level of all family members, and the achievements of NTT graduations can be ‘jacked up’ out of the position in the red zone.

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