Human Papillomavirus infection in men residing in Brazil, Mexico, and the USA [Infección por Virus de Papiloma Humanoen hombres de Brasil, México y EUA]

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Darja Arko, Maruša Esih, Zoran Simonovic, Iztok Takac, Alenka Repše Fokter    

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are a very heterogenic group of viruses, which are etiologically related to many benign and malignant neoplastic lesions of squamous epithelium. They are also involved in adenocarcinoma carcinogenesis. It is wrong to believe ... see more

Maya Savira,Resty Yuwandari,Yossi Maryanti,Rahmat Azhari Kemal,Donel S    

Pria juga dapat mengalami keganasan akibat infeksi Human Papillomavirus (HPV) serta bertindak sebagai reservoir virus. Metode skrining HPV pada wanita telah terstandardisasi, namun belum ada standar metode skrining pada pria di Indonesia. Beberapa studi ... see more

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Background: Recently, human papillomavirus (HPV) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been detected in urban wastewater, indicating that the virus can reach the sewer and, eventually, other water environments. This study aimed to develop a semi-quantitative a... see more

Lita Feriyawati, Dwi Rita Anggraini, Tetty Aman Nasution (Author)    

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases among women aged < 35 years worldwide. Recent studies have suggested that the vaginal microenvironment influenced by bacterial infection poses for high-ris... see more

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ABSTRACTIntroduction – Aim. Cervical cancer, although largely preventable, remains the most common cause of cancer mortality amongst women in low-resource countries. Epidemiological and clinical studies have clearly established human papillomavirus (HPV)... see more