Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (PILMAPRES) tingkat nasional sejak 2004. Kompetisi ini mencakup aspek penilaian komprehensif yang meliputi kemampuan akademik, kemampuan berbahasa asing, capaian unggulan, kemampuan menulis ilmiah, dan kepribadian. IPB University merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki reputasi baik dalam ajang tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Pengembangan Karir IPB dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik, menganalisis kompetensi alumni berdasarkan kriteria PILMAPRES dan karir pascakampus, serta menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi terhadap kesuksesan karir alumni program PILMAPRES. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif berupa survei dan studi dokumen dari berbagai hasil kajian yang relevan. Partisipan penelitian merupakan 45 orang alumni Mahasiswa Berprestasi yang mewakili semua fakultas dan sekolah di IPB. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner yang diberikan melalui internet kepada responden. Data diolah dengan metode analisis deskriptif dan SEM PLS. Mayoritas alumni bekerja sebagai karyawan swasta dengan masa tunggu rata-rata empat bulan. Dari analisis SEM-PLS diketahui bahwa variabel capaian unggulan dan kepribadian berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesuksesan karier, sedangkan kemampuan akademik, kemampuan bahasa asing dan kemampuan penulisan ilmiah tidak berpengaruh signifikan. The Ministry of Education and Culture has held National Outstanding Students Selection (PILMAPRES) since 2004. This competition covers comprehensive aspects such as academic abilities, foreign language skills, non-academic achievements, scientific writing abilities, and personality. IPB University has a good reputation in this event. This research was conducted at the Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Development of IPB with the objectives to identify the characteristics of outstanding student alumni, analyse alumni competencies based on PILMAPRES criteria and career, and analyse the influence of competence on career success. The approach used is quantitative with primary data from survey and secondary data from various relevant studies. Research participants were 45 outstanding student alumni representing all faculties and schools in IPB. Data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire given via the internet to respondents. The data were processed using descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS. The majority of alumni work as private employees with a maximum average waiting period of four months. From the SEM-PLS analysis, it is known that the variables of achievements and personality have a significant effect on career success, while academic abilities, foreign language skills, and scientific writing abilities do not have any significant effect.

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