Effects of a One-Hour Creative Dance Training on Mental Rotation Performance in Primary School Aged Children


The study presented here investigated the influence of one-hour creative dance training on the spatial ability of mental rotation. Two groups of first and second graders solved a paper-pencil mental rotation test. Afterwards, one group received one lesson of creative dance training while the other group attended the regular physical education lesson. At the end of the short training period all children solved the mental rotation test again. The results show that the dance-training group improved their mental rotation performance more than the physical education group. This study expands our further studies where we have shown that five weeks of creative dance training enhances mental rotation performance (Jansen, Kellner, & Rieder, 2013). Further studies have to be conducted which investigate the short-term effects of different kinds of physical activity on different cognitive functions and their relation to academic performance.

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Efectos de la ventilación no invasiva en pacientes con epoc hipercápnica. Pinar del Río 2006 / The effects of the non-invasive ventilation in patients with Hypercapnic COPD. Pinar del Río, 2006Efectos de la ventilación no invasiva en pacientes con epoc hipercápnica. Pinar del Río 2006 / The effects of the non-invasive ventilation in patients with Hypercapnic COPD. Pinar del Río, 2006Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal y descriptivo para describir los efectos inmediatos de la ventilación no invasiva en los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica hipercápnica. Se Incluyeron en la muestra a los 35 pacientes que fueron admitidos a las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital "Abel Santamaría" de Pinar del Río del 1ro. de enero hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2006, con dicho diagnóstico. Como técnica de ventilación no invasiva se utilizó la presión de soporte administrada por diferentes tipos de ventiladores de presión positiva. Se solicitó su consentimiento a todos los pacientes para participar en el estudio. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba de hipótesis de proporciones con un nivel de ajuste de á= 0.05, y no paramétrica para K muestras relacionadas de Friedman. Se observó que el grupo de edades de mayor incidencia de EPOC fue el de 55-74 años y el sexo femenino representó el triple del masculino. De 35 pacientes, abandonaron el tratamiento 4, de ellos 3 lo hicieron a la hora, y 1 a las seis horas. En la mayoría de los pacientes no existió fracaso ventilatorio. A las 6 horas de tratamiento todos los pacientes habían mejorado el nivel de conciencia y la mayoría no tenía cianosis. La PCO2 se normalizó a las 6h en la mayoría de los pacientes, al igual que el pH y la PO2. El número de complicaciones se reduce cuando se aplica ventilación no invasiva. Palabras clave: EPOC/Ventilación no invasiva hipercápnica. ABSTRACTA prospective, longitudinal and descriptive research was conducted aimed at describing the effects of the non-invasive ventilation in patients suffering from Hypercapnic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The sample included 35 patients, who were diagnosed with COPD, admitted at "Abel Santamaria" University Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit from January 1st to December 31st, 2006. Using supported pressure administered by different types of ventilators of positive pressure as a non-invasive ventilation technique. The consent of the patients to participate in the study was requested. To the statistical analysis the proportion hypothesis test was used having a level of adjustment of á= 0.05 and non-parametric to K related to Friedman's samples. Observing that, the group of 55-74 years old presented the highest incidence of COPD, female sex represented the triple over the male sex. Out of the 35 patients, 4 were weaned off ventilator, 3 of them at one-hour and the other one at 6 hours of treatment. Observing no-ventilatory failed in the majority of the patients. At six-hour treatment, all the patients improved the level of consciousness and cyanosis was not observed. The PCO2 was normal at six- treatment hour in the majority of patients as well as the pH and the PO2. The number of complications decreased when non-invassive ventilation was used. Key words: COPD/hypercapnic non-invassive ventilation

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