Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model competency based-assessment pada Praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan: 1) Model competency based-assessment pada pembuatan alat penilaian Praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department. 2) Implementasi model competency based-assessment pada praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department. 3) Capaian kompetensi pada praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department. 4) Kualitas model competency based-assessment praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department. Penelitian ini mengunakan  metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan Research and Development. Penelitian mencakup studi pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan model, dan tahap uji validasi model. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari praktikan, penilai internal dan eksternal pada praktik Cleaning Bathroom. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan uji kompetensi. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur dan karakteristik dari temuan data penelitian; untuk data kuantitatif dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan untuk data kualitatif dianalisis secara kualitatif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model competency based-assessment pada praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department yang diimplementasikan memiliki keunggulan mencakup tahap persiapan, proses dan hasil sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur Hotel. Tahapan penilaian mengacu pada Job Performance di Housekeeping Department yang diimplementasikan oleh penilai internal dan eksternal menunjukkan capaian kompetensi praktikan sesuai standar kinerja hotel yaitu seluruhnya mencapai kompeten. Model competency based-assessment pada praktik Cleaning Bathroom di Housekeeping Department memiliki kualitas yang baik melalui hasil uji interrater reliability dan  dibuktikan dengan nilai cronbach alpha rata-rata sebesar 0,854 yang berada di atas batas minimal reliabilitas 0,6.AbstractThe long term objective of this research is to develop a model competency assessment based on the cleaning bathroom in housekeeping department. Targeted to be achieved from the study on cleaning bathroom practices in housekeeping department is to produce:(1) the competency based-assessment model, (2) implementation of the competency based-assessmentmodel, (3) the competence result, and (4 )the quality model of competency based-assessment. This research used descriptive methods with research and development approach. The research includes the preliminary study,  the stage of development model, and the step of experiment validation model. The subject of this study are interns,  external and internal examiner of the cleaning bathroom practices.The data collection technique was done through observation and competency test. Data analysis the research was done in accordance with the procedures and characteristic of the findings; data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings showed that model competency based assessment that implemented on cleaning bathroom practices in housekeeping department have the advantages. First, it has the preparatory, proces and resultstages according to standard operating procedures hotel. Second, the assessment stage referring to job performance in housekeeping department that implemented by an internal and external appraiser, and show that of interns’competence according to standard performance hotel that is entirely reached competent. The competency based-assessment model on practices cleaning bathroom in housekeeping departmentpossed having a good qualities. It was prove through the interrater reliability test that showed the score is 0.854 more than the minimum score of 0,6 of the cronbach alpha.   

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