Manfaat Bermain Peran pada Mata Kuliah PendidikanAgama Islam bagi Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan Berbasis Kompetensi Perawat Muslim


Abstrak.  Metode bermain peran/role-play dilakukan dengan memperkenalkan kasus nyata penerapan prinsip- prinsip Islam dalam mata kuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAl).  Kasus-kasus yang dipilih untuk diperankan terkait kompetensi  keperawatan kepada  27  mahasiswa sesuai profesi  mereka,  yakni profesi perawat/ners. Penelitian dilakukan  dengan menyebarkan kuisioner   kepada mahasiswa seusai keseluruhan proses belajar berakhir.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode bermain peran lebih menarik daripada metode kuliah didaktik biasa, lebih memotivasi, membuat mahasiswa  merasa lebih memiliki proses belajar.  Bermain peran juga  memungkinkan mereka mengungkapkan pendapat mereka dalam dialog,  dan memudahkan penerapan prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan mereka setelah niata kuliah PAI berak.hir. (JKS 2010;3:145-152) Kata kunci: bermain peran role-play, kompetensi perawat. Abstract.  Role-play method were performed by introducing a real case of application of Islamic principles in the course of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). The selected cases were transformed into scenarios, related to nursing competencies, played by 27 students according to their profession, as nurses.  The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to students after the entire learning process ends. The results showed that the method of role-play is more interesting than the usual method of didactic lectures; more motivating, made students felt involeved in the learning process. Role-play also allows them to express their opinions in a dialogue, and facilitate the application of the principles of Islamic teachings in their lives after the course ends. (JKS 2010;3:145-152) Keywords: role-play, competence of nurses.

pp. 145 - 152
Public health
Jurnal Avicenna

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