Remembering the Importance of an Old Friend: History Taking in Preoperative Evaluation of Healthy Children: A Single Center Experience


Objective: To investigate the consequences of routine laboratory tests that lead to surgical delay or high cost in patients with a normal medical history and physical examination who undergo minor surgical interventions.Patients and Method: Files of 1,322 patients aged between 0-16 years that had undergone elective surgical intervention within six years were reviewed.Results: Of the 1,322 patients, 1,246 (94.3%) had normal physical examination and laboratory findings. Seventy-six children who had abnormalities in laboratory findings and physical examination were referred to pediatrics. Of the 76 pediatric referees, 42 (55.3%) were reevaluated and were diagnosed with upper respiratory tract infection (n=23; 30.2%), iron deficiency anemia (n=5; 6.5%), innocent murmur (n=4; 5.3%), thalassemia minor (n=2; 2.6%), lower respiratory tract infection (n=2; 2.6%), urinary tract infection (n=1; 1.3%), mumps (n=1; 1.3%), acute gastroenteritis (n=1; 1.3%), minimal aortic and tricuspid valve insufficiency (n=1; 1.3%), minimal aortic stenosis (n=1; 1.3%), atrial septal defect (n=1; 1.3%). Surgical interventions were delayed until the recovery of the infectious diseases. In 25 of the patients, repeated tests showed normal ranges after the second test; however nine (n=9) of the patients showed increased or decreased numbers of white blood cell counts and whose medical history and physical examination revealed signs and symptoms related to infection.Conclusion: Routine laboratory tests contribute little to preoperative evaluation of children with normal history and physical examination undergoing low grade surgery.

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Mayteé Cabrera Hernández,Lourdes Milagros Reyes Puentes,Roberto Caveda Carrasco,Juan José Lorenzo Montano    

ABSTRACTUterovaginal malformations (UVM) are due to an alteration in the process of embryogenesis of the female reproductive system. The imaging has a very important role during initial studies of these abnormalities; magnetic resonance imaging has signi... see more

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Magaly Gort Hernández    

ABSTRACTA 51 years old patient (MCG) attends to the family doctor's office for a routine check-up. An electrocardiogram is indicated and is transferred to an Internal Medicine Center at "Elena Fernandez de Castro" University Outpatient Clinic, Los Palaci... see more

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Idelma Castillo García,Teresita Llera Clausell,Annia Dolores Gorte Quiñones,Ileana Armas Ampudia,Rosa María Amador González    

ABSTRACTA 34 year-old, Caucasian-female patient presenting a recurrent, low urinary sepsis came to the out-patient clinic at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital complaining of burning and pain during the passing of urine, a diminution of urine... see more

Schistosomiasis en la infancia. Una experiencia para el internacionalismo médico cubano / Schistosomiasis in childhood: an experience to the Cuban Medical Internationalist MissionsSchistosomiasis en la infancia. Una experiencia para el internacionalismo médico cubano / Schistosomiasis in childhood: an experience to the Cuban Medical Internationalist MissionsEl Schistosoma es un parásito no endémico de Cuba, pero con una elevada frecuencia en los países de África, Asia y América Latina; de ellos, cinco especies infectan al hombre. No existen evidencias de dicho parasitismo en nuestro país. Con la presencia del internacionalismo médico cubano en las diversas tierras del mundo es que fue considerado útil transmitir la experiencia profesional en un país africano. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente de 7 años de edad, sexo masculino y estado nutricional adecuado, procedente de un área suburbana de la Cuidad de Nampula, Mozambique, África Subsahariana que al examen físico se constató que tenía lesiones de dermatitis en las manos y los pies, de varias semanas en evolución; acude por la aparición de edemas en miembros inferiores, dificultad para orinar y orinas oscuras. Se sospecha una posible Glomerulonefritis Difusa Aguda según la frecuencia de la entidad en nuestro medio. Después de una respuesta terapéutica escasa, un cambio en la visión epidemiológica y los resultados complementarios, se confirma una forma de presentación infantil de esquistosomiasis masiva, entidad frecuente en las regiones geográficas donde hoy en día está presente el internacionalismo médico cubano. Después de una revisión bibliográfica se consideró útil trasmitir la experiencia al médico internacionalista y se hacen algunas consideraciones al respecto. Palabras Clave: Esquistosomiasis, glomerulonefritis, diagnóstico. ABSTRACT Schistosome is a non-endemic parasite in Cuba, but with an elevated frequency in Africa, Asia and Latin-America; of them, five species infest man. No evidences of this parasite are found in Cuba. Considering the presence of Cuban Medical Internationalist Missions in other parts of the world, it is useful to transmit the professional experience in an African country. A 7-year-old-male patient, presenting an adequate nutritional status, coming from a sub-urban district of Mampula City. Mozambique, sub-Saharan Africa, at physical examination showed dermatitis in hands and feet for several weeks in evolution. The patient attended to the clinic presenting edema in the lower limbs, difficulties to urinate and dark urines. Suspecting, a possible Acute Diffuse Glomerulonephritis according to the frequency of the disease in that environment. After a limited therapeutic response, and a change in the epidemiologic view and the laboratory results; a childhood presentation of a form of massive schistosomiasis was confirmed, a frequent entity in the geographic regions where Cuban medical missions work. Some suggestions to transmit the experience to the medical missions were made taking into consideration several aspects after a medical literature review. Key words: Schistosomiasis, glomerulonephritis, diagnosis.

Jesús Lazo Cabrera,Bárbara del R. Hernández Bravo,María A. Méndez Suárez,Rosabel de la C. Lozano Becerra    

ABSTRACT Schistosome is a non-endemic parasite in Cuba, but with an elevated frequency in Africa, Asia and Latin-America; of them, five species infest man. No evidences of this parasite are found in Cuba. Considering the presence of Cuban Medical Int... see more