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Low level laser therapy for reducing pain in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis: a systematic review


Introduction: Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) can reduce, modulate inflammation, and reduce deformities. Low-Level Laser Therapy is a biomodulator and may aid in the clinical picture of these conditions. Objective: To analyze the parameters most frequently used to determine the responses of patients with RA and OA in controlled and uncontrolled clinical trials. Method: This is a systematic review with search of articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish in PUBMED, SCOPUS, LILACS and Web of SCIENCE, of articles published between 2006 and 2018. MeSH terms were used. Inclusion criteria: evaluation of LLLT in the evaluations, evaluation and evaluation of the period, controlled and uncontrolled clinical trials, full publications. The base date of the energy dosimetry and the analysis of mean, median and mode of energy per point and energy per treatment. Results: Three articles on RA and 16 on OA were included in this study. Regarding dosimetry, it was one of the most recent of the pain, being this one with a greater energy dose. In OA, most of the articles presented are of importance, with variability in the dosage applied. Conclusion: There are several reports for patient studies purposes, mainly with doses of 6 J per point and 48 J. In the joints affected with OA and AR, it would be important to publish more scientific articles with better methodological quality and description of dosimetry.

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