????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ? ??????? ?????? ????? ? ????? ? ?????? ??????? ???????? = Biophysical indices of oral liquid and hard tissue of teeth in children with early childhood caries


Kovalchuk V. V., Denga E. M. ????????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????  ? ??????? ?????? ????? ? ????? ? ?????? ??????? ???????? = Biophysical indices of oral liquid and hard tissue of teeth in children with early childhood caries. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(11):53-61. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014 Deklaracja.Specyfika i zawartosc merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie.Zgodnie z informacja MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., ze w roku 2014 nie bedzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r.The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014).© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.09.2015. Revised 05.10.2015. Accepted: 30.10.2015. ???: 616.314-002-053.2/.6+616-039.71UDC: 616.314-002-053.2/.6+616-039.71 ????????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????  ? ??????? ?????? ????? ? ????? ? ?????? ??????? ???????? BIOPHYSICAL INDICES OF ORAL LIQUID AND HARD TISSUE OF TEETH IN CHILDREN WITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CARIES ?. ?. ?????????, ?. ?. ??????V. V. Kovalchuk, E. M. Denga ?? «???????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????? ???? ???????»State establishment “The Institute of Stomatology of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” ??????????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ??????? ???????? ???????, ??????????? ????????? ??????????? ????????? ? ???? ????????, ?????????????? ???????? ? ??????????? ??????? ??????, ??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????, ? ?????????????? ?? ?????????? ??????????????? ?? ??????? ???????? ? ????? 2-5 ???, ?????????? ?????????????? ???????, ????????????? ?? ??????????, ??????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?????, ?? ????????????? ????????????? ?, ?????????????, ?? ????????.???????? ?????: ?????? ??????? ??????, ??????????? ????????????, ??????? ????????, ??????? ????? ?????. V.V. Kovalchuk, E. M. Denga State establishment “The Institute of Stomatology of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”BIOPHYSICAL INDICES OF ORAL LIQUID AND HARD TISSUE OF TEETH IN CHILDREN WITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CARIESAbstractEarly childhood caries is a multifactorial disease. In the works for the prevention of early childhood caries, usually focuses on oral health of children, the use of calcium, and fluorine-containing products, sealing fissures of molars, explanatory work with parents. At the same time the issue of reducing the body's capacity in early childhood, deficient immune and central nervous systems, the endocrine system is virtually absent, to support them in prevention activities with virtually no attention paid.The aim was to study the biophysical parameters of the oral liquid and hard tissue of teeth in children 2-5 yars of the western region of Ukraine with a reduced concentration of fluoride in drinking water in the process prevention of major dental diseases.Materials and methods. The study involved 58 children aged 2-3 and 4-5 years with early childhood caries of city Ternopil. The main groups of children received prophylactic complex developed in stages included the adaptogenic, antioxidant, membranotropic, prebiotic, anti-inflammatory and remineralizing agents.Results. Conclusions. The proposed integrated prevention of early childhood caries effectively stabilize the pH of oral liquid in children 2-5 years old, normalizing functional responses responsible for gomeorezis, increased acid resistance of tooth enamel, its electrical resistance and hence its quality.Keywords: early child caries, integrated prevention, oral liquid, hard tissue of teeth.

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