Ocena wplywu zastosowania metody Ora na poprawe wybranych wskazników stabilometrycznych i posturometrycznych u dziewczat z zaburzeniami statyki ciala = Evaluation of the impact of Ora method on the improvement of selected stabilometric and posturometric factors in girls with body statics problems


Bibrowicz Karol, Szurmik Tomasz, Mrozkowiak Miroslaw. Ocena wplywu zastosowania metody Ora na poprawe wybranych wskazników stabilometrycznych i posturometrycznych u dziewczat z zaburzeniami statyki ciala = Evaluation of the impact of Ora method on the improvement of selected stabilometric and posturometric factors in girls with body statics problems. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):84-97. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.11.2016. Revised 22.11.2016. Accepted: 02.12.2016.    OCENA WPLYWU ZASTOSOWANIA METODY ORA NA POPRAWE WYBRANYCH WSKAZNIKÓW STABILOMETRYCZNYCH I POSTUROMETRYCZNYCH U DZIEWCZAT Z ZABURZENIAMI STATYKI CIALAEVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF ORA METHOD ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF SELECTED STABILOMETRIC AND POSTUROMETRIC FACTORS IN GIRLS WITH BODY STATICS PROBLEMS Karol Bibrowicz 1,2, Tomasz Szurmik 3,4, Miroslaw Mrozkowiak 5 1 Wyzsza Szkola Edukacji i Terapii w Poznaniu2 Centrum Edukacji i Terapii Habitus Wroclaw – Lutynia3 Uniwersytet Slaski, Wydzial Etnologii i Nauk o Edukacji w Cieszynie4 Orto-Med Bielsko-Biala5 Bioergosport Nowa Biala Karol Bibrowicz 1,2, Tomasz Szurmik 3,4, Miroslaw Mrozkowiak 51College of Education and Therapy in Poznan2Center of Education and Therapy Habitus Wroclaw — Lutynia3University of Silesia, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science in Cieszyn4 Orto-Med Bielsko-Biala5 Bioergosport Nowa Biala Streszczenie Cel. W prezentowanym doniesieniu podjeto problem oceny wplywu zastosowania metody ORA na poprawe wybranych wskazników stabilometrycznych i posturometrycznych u dziewczat z zaburzeniami statyki ciala.Metoda. Badaniami objeto 40 osobowa grupe dziewczat w wieku od 12 do 16 lat ze stwierdzonymi zaburzeniami statyki ciala. Dla oceny wplywu Metody ORA na badane zmienne, badana grupe podzielono losowo na dwie dwudziestoosobowe podgrupy: badawcza, z dodatkowymi cwiczeniami z aparatem ORA oraz kontrolna. Program badan obejmowal ocene zmian ustawienia glowy w plaszczyznie strzalkowej i czolowej oraz zmian kontroli stabilnosci posturalnej. Wszystkie dziewczeta mialy dwukrotnie przeprowadzone badania stabilometryczne z wykorzystaniem dwuplytowej platformy balansowej CQ-electronic oraz fotometryczna analize postawy z wykorzystaniem Systemu Fotograficznej Analizy Postawy Ciala (SFAPC). Wyniki: Zastosowana terapia przyniosla pozytywne zmiany wszystkich parametrów w obu badanych grupach. Zaobserwowano bardziej wyrazna poprawe ustawienia glowy w przestrzeni w grupie badawczej, szczególnie w parametrze kata nachylenia Glowy (KNG) gdzie te zmiany byly istotne. Stwierdzono równiez istotne zmiany w grupie badawczej dotyczace calkowitej dlugosci sciezki (SP) i dlugosci sciezki w plaszczyznie czolowej (SPML).Wnioski: 1. Analiza zmiennych charakteryzujacych przestrzenne ustawienie glowy wskazuje na tendencje do poprawy jej ustawienia w badaniach kontrolnych w obu grupach. Wyrazniejsze zmiany obserwowano w grupie z aparatem ORA. 2. Istotna poprawe stwierdzono wylacznie dla kata nachylenia glowy KNG w grupie z aparatem ORA. 3.Analizowane zmienne stabilograficzne równiez wykazaly tendencje do poprawy w obu badanych grupach. W grupie badawczej ta tendencja byla takze wyrazniejsza.  4. Istotne zmiany stwierdzono  dla calkowitej dlugosci sciezki (SP) i dlugosci sciezki w plaszczyznie czolowej (SPML) w grupie badawczej. Slowa kluczowe: równowaga, postawa ciala, zgryz, stawy skroniowo-zuchwowe. Abstract Objective. The paper presents the problem of evaluation of the impact of ORA method on the improvement of the selected stabilometric and posturometric factors in girls with body statics problems.Method. The tests were conducted in a group of 40 girls, age 12 to 16, with diagnosed body statics problems. In order to evaluate how the ORA Method affects the studied variables, the sample was randomly divided in two groups of 20: a tested group and a control group. The examination program involved the evaluation of changes of the head position in the sagittal plane and in the frontal plane as well as changes of control of postural stability in both studied groups.   Stabilometric tests by means of two-board CQ-electronic balance platform and photometric posture analysis using the System of Photographic Analysis of Postural Control (SFAPC, System Fotograficznej Analizy Postawy Ciala) were applied twice on all girls. Results: The applied therapy resulted in positive changes of all parameters in both studied groups. A definite improvement of the spatial head position has been noticed in the tested group, particularly for the head inclination angle (KNG, kat nachylenia glowy) parameter, where these changes were significant. There were also significant changes in the tested group regarding total length of the sway path (SP) and path length in the frontal plane (Sway Path Medium-Lateral, SPML).Conclusions: 1. The analysis of the variables that characterize the spacial head position shows a tendency to improve the head’s position in the control tests, both in the group in which ORA device was used and in the control group. The improvement was more observable in the group using the ORA device. 2. Statistically relevant improvement was noticed only for the head inclination angle KNG in the group with the ORA device. 3. The analyzed stabilographic variables also showed the tendency to improve in both studied groups. However, in the group using ORA devices, this tendency was also more noticeable.  4. Statistically significant changes in the values of the studied variables were observed for total sway path (SP) length and frontal plane path (SPML) length in the group using ORA devices. Keywords: balance, body posture, occlusion, temporomandibular joints.

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