They come in the night, or unexpectedly in a walk across the park, with friends playing games, or in the quiet of meditation. These are the provenances of creative breakthroughs that have changed the course ofhuman history; the intuitive insights ofsingle men orwomen. Nikola T esla's invention ofthe electric motor, at the end ofthe 19th century, came in a vision as he walked across acitypark.l Mozart and Copeland had music come to them in an instant.2 Einstein "saw" Relativity as he idled away time in a canoe, after an illness. He later wrote: "1 believe in intuition and inspiration. .. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge islimited,wherea.4iiimagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research."·

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