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Tri Suwarno,Diani Puspa Wijaya    

Faculty of Medicine (FM UII) is part of the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI) Region IV. FM UII through the online course program opens elective block courses by implementing an e-learning system. The aim of this research i... see more

Revista: Edutech

Krismiyati Krismiyati, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia Hanita Yulia, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia  10.21831/jptk.v29i1.53966    

Online learning during the COVID 19  or post pandemic presents challenges not only for the teachers but also the students. Exploring students’ engagement during their online learning is one way of understanding what might contribute to their success... see more

Sahril Nur Nofvia De Vega Anugrah Puspita Ayu Muhammad 10.26858/est.v8i1.30922 Views : 151 times    

This study aims to analyze the students’ self-esteem and self-efficacy attending online courses of an MBKM exchange program. It was organized by three participating universities using SPADA DIKTI. Quantitatively, the study employed an online questionnair... see more

Muhammad Ashar,Waras Kamdi,Dediek Tri Kurniawan    

Networked learning Community (NLC)  that integrates a professional context into the learning experience that uses learning networks to promote self-efficacy and professional development. Online Learning design integrates three techniques: focus on d... see more

Dita Veni Lufiana, Rina Febriana, Suci Rahayu    

HUBUNGAN ANTARA KUALITAS MAKANAN DENGAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PENGGUNA LAYANAN PESAN ANTAR OJEK ONLINE (STUDI KASUS DI KANTIN BUNDA, KARAWANG) ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas makanan dengan kepuasan pelan... see more