Home  /  Agronomy  /  Vol: 9 Núm: 1 Par: January (2019)  /  Article

The Impact of Seasonal Environments in a Tropical Savanna Climate on Forking, Leaf Area Index, and Biomass of Cassava Genotypes


Information on the forking, leaf area index, and biomass of cassava for different growing seasons could help design appropriate management to improve yield. The objective was to evaluate the forking date, leaf growth, and storage root yield of different cassava genotypes grown at different planting dates. Four cassava genotypes (Kasetsart 50, Rayong 9, Rayong 11, and CMR38–125–77) were evaluated using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The cassava genotypes were planted on 20 April, 25 May, 30 June, 5 October, 10 November, and 15 December 2015, and 19 May and 3 November 2016. The soil properties prior to the planting, forking date, leaf area index (LAI), dry weights, harvest index (HI), starch content, and weather data were recorded. The forking date patterns for all of the growing seasons varied depending on the cassava genotypes. The weather caused occurring in the first forking for the Rayong 11 and CMR38–125–77 and the second forking for Rayong 11, but not for Kasetsart 50. The forking CMR38–125–77 had a higher LAI, leaf dry weight, biomass, and storage root dry weight than the non-forking Rayong 9. The higher storage root yields in Rayong 9 compared with Rayong 11 were due to an increased partitioning of the storage roots.

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