Influence of the ointment “Allergolik”, which containes the dry extract of licorice rhizome, to the morphological state of guinea pigs’ skin with allergic contact dermatitis


Topicality. Herbal medicinal products are perspective for external application of the inflammatory skin diseases, which have complex pharmacological effect, can be used continuously without significant side effects, characterized lowcost and ease manufacture.Aim. To investigate the influence of ointment “Allergolik”, which contains the dry extract of licorice rhizome, to the morphological state of guinea pigs’ skin with allergic contact dermatitis (ACD).Materials and Methods. Modeling of ACD was performed by the method Zalkan P. M., Iyevleva E. A., as allergen 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene was used. The ointment “Allergolik” was developed at the Department of Drug Technology theNational University of Pharmacy. Ointment “Fladeks” was used as a reference drug.Results and Discussion. Obtained morphological data showed that cutaneous application of 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene leads to the development of the morphological picture of the ACD. The treatment with ointment “Allergolik” hasprevented the ACD development – changes in the skin of animals were moderate and residual. Ointment “Fladeks” showed light positive effect on the skin morphology of guinea pigs with model pathology.Conclusions. Based on our study of the morphological state of guinea pigs’ skin with ACD it was shown that the ointment “Allergolik” has a pronounced anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effects and the efficiency more than thereference drug “Fladeks”. Therefore, further studying of the ointment “Allergolik” for the purpose of their use in the therapy of allegro dermatitis is perspective.

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