Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) wood is one of the forestry commodities that is currently in demand by farmers in Magetan Regency. Sengon wood business in the community forests is carried out through agroforestry pattern. Agroforestry is a land use (agriculture) that combines forest plants with agricultural crops, which aims to increase profits, both economically as well as environmentally. The research aims to determine the financial feasibility of sengon wood, which is planted through  agroforestry patterns. The study was conducted in the Jabung, Ngiliran, and Bedagung Villages, Panekan District, Magetan Regency. Determination of location was done purposively. Primary data collection was carried out through interviews with farmer group members. The financial analysis data used in this research is the 8-year sengon wood cycle. The results of the financial feasibility analysis show that pattern I, which is the  combination of sengon tree and clove is more beneficial compared to pattern II, the combination of sengon tree with empon-empon plants. Pattern I is more profitable, since the  management costs per ha are lower, while the commodity prices are higher.

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