This journal aims to test whether leadership, motivation, and work discipline affect employee performance in companies engaged in telecommunications. This journal is a type of quantitative descriptive research, which uses data sourced from PT. Rayateh Utama Teladan C Sophisticated. The number of samples in this study were 90 people. The research method used is the classical assumption test method and multiple linear analysis method. The results showed that the partial test results showed that ownership had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, motivation had a negative effect on employee performance, work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The simultaneous test of results shows that leadership attitudes and work discipline have a positive and significant effect on employee performance and motivation has a negative effect on employee performance at PT. Rayateh Utama Sophisticated Example. The conclusion in this study is that the coefficient of determination is 33.2% or with a value of 0.332 which states that leadership, motivation, and work discipline have a simultaneous influence on employee performance. While the remaining 66.8%, but other variables not included in this study. Keywords: Leadership, Motivation, Work Discipline, and Employee Performance.

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