Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kemampuan Dalam Mendirikan UMKM Dan Efektivitas Promosi Melalui Online Di Kota Tangerang Selatan


This study aims to determine the students' perceptions of the ability in establishing UMKM and how effective the online promotion of UMKM is in the city of South Tangerang.This research method uses qualitative methods, by gaining a deep understanding of data collection techniques through observation, documentation and interviews, using the semi-structured interview method based on predetermined interview guides to several informants from various universities located in South Tangerang, namely students who have obtained entrepreneurship courses or other subjects related to entrepreneurship.The results of the analysis from the interviews, it was found that the most decisive factors in establishing MSMEs were financial factors or business capital and commitment of 25% each, business location factors were 21%, experience was 9%, business ability was 8%, motivation was 8. % and a promotion of 4%. Regarding the Promotion of MSMEs through Online, all of them answered that they were effective in promoting it through online, with most of them saying that it was more effective to promote it through social media than promotion through other media. So it can be concluded, in addition to studying theory on campus, students also need to be committed to establishing a business and promoting their business through online, namely by prioritizing their promotion on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and other online media.

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