The effects of sports participation on internet addiction of high school studentsSpora katilimin lise ögrencilerinin internet bagimliligina etkisi


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sport participation status on internet addiction of high school students. The sample group consisted of total 430 students (220 licensed student athletes and 210 non-athletes) from 10 different high schools in Bolu center. Research data were obtained by “Young Internet Addiction Test Short Form” (YIBT-KF) which was adapted to Turkish by Kutlu Savci, Demir ve Arslan (2016). Internal consistency of the scale was calculated as a= 0.93 in this study. The results of this study showed that a) internet addiction levels of male students were higher than female students, b) internet addiction levels of athlete students were lower than non-athlete students, c) academic success for athlete students were more positive effect in internet addiction and d) the negative effect of long-term usage a smart phone had less negative effect on internet addiction level of athlete students.?Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu çalismada, lise ögrencilerinin spora katilim durumlarinin internet bagimliliklarina etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmistir. Bolu merkezindeki 10 farkli liseden toplam 430 ögrenci (220 lisanli spor yapan ve 210 lisansli olarak spor yapmayan) çalismanin örneklem grubunu olusmustur. Çalisma verilerinin toplanmasinda, Kutlu, Savci, Demir ve Arslan (2016) tarafindan Türkçeye uyarlanan “Young Internet Bagimliligi Testi Kisa Formu” (YIBT-KF) kullanilmistir. Bu çalisma için ölçegin Cronbach Alpha iç tutarlilik degerleri ise a=0.93 olarak hesaplanmistir. Arastirmada,  a) spor yapan ögrencilerin internet bagimliliklarinin yapmayanlardan daha düsük oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. b) erkek ögrencilerin internet bagimlilik düzeylerinin kadin ögrencilerden daha yüksek oldugu, c) spor yapanlarda yapmayanlara göre akademik basarinin internet bagimliliginda daha etkili oldugu ve d) spor yapanlarda yapmayanlara göre cep telefonu kullanim yilinin internet bagimliligina etkisinin daha az oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir.

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