Early Childhood Mindset Stimulation for Understanding Pancasila Through Affective Education


This study aims to find out how to stimulate Early Childhood Mindset in Theodeosius kindergarten through affective education. This research is qualitative research. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The research findings show that students are very enthusiastic about following the activities of the teacher with pleasure, happiness and not feeling burdened from the beginning of the activity to the end, students can take part in the activities of the teacher well. The efforts made by TK Theodosius educators are good, so that it can be said that the teacher's efforts to train children's independence are maximized. The students have begun to instill Pancasila values in their daily lives, namely Godhead, Humanity, the Value of Unity, People's Value, and Social Justice.Keywords: Affective Education, Early Childhood Mindset Stimulation, Understanding Pancasila.ReferencesAbramson, L., Daniel, E., & Knafo-noam, A. (2018). 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