Problems and solutions encountered in psychological counseling and guidance services: A metasynthesis study Psikolojik danisma ve rehberlik servisinde karsilasilan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri: Bir metasentez çalismasi


In this research, on guidance issues in the literature in Turkey, examining realized that qualitative article as a whole, the counselors, their problems bring problems rather than their guidance and is intended to reveal to synthesize suggestions to solve these problems. For this purpose, guidance service problems, school psychological counselor problems, guidance services were written to Web of Science, Ulakbim, Dergi Park, Google Academic databases and the article was scanned. Articles dealing with counseling services and solutions were included in the research. What are the articles in depth guided by guidance services; Inadequacy of physical provision and facilities, problems in the preparation and presentation of research, the problem of prejudice towards the school psychological counselor and services and problem themes related to guidance services policies. Later sub-problems related to these themes were created and solutions to these problems were classified from the articles included in the study.?Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu arastirmada, alan yazinda rehberlik hizmetleri sorunlari konusunda, Türkiye’ de gerçeklestirilmis nitel makale çalismalarini bir bütün halinde inceleyip, psikolojik danismanlarin, rehberlik hizmetlerini yerine getirme açisindan yasadiklari sorunlari ve bu sorunlarin çözümüne yönelik önerileri sentezleyerek ortaya çikarmak amaçlanmistir. Bu amaç dogrultusunda Web of Science, Ulakbim, Dergi Park, Google Akademik veri tabanlarina rehberlik hizmetleri sorunlar, okul psikolojik danisman sorunlar, rehberlik hizmetleri yazilarak makale çalismalari taranmistir. Rehberlik hizmetlerinin sorunlari ve çözüm yollarini ele alan makaleler arastirmaya dahil edilmistir. Makalelerin derinlemesine incelenmesi sonucunda rehberlik hizmetlerinin yürütülmesinde; fiziki kosullar ve imkanlarin yetersizligi, çalismalarin hazirlanmasi ve sunumunda yasanan sorunlar, okul psikolojik danismaninin görevleri ve hizmetlere yönelik önyargi sorunu, rehberlik hizmetleri politikalarina iliskin sorun temalari olusturulmustur. Daha sonra bu temalara ait alt sorunlar olusturularak, çalismaya dahil edilen makalelerden bu sorunlarin çözüm yollari siniflandirilmistir.

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