The conditions of globalization put forward new threats to the existence of the traditional way of life. At present, poverty of the population, considerable property differentiation, lack of middle class, and low level and quality of life in the Ukrainian society are especially dangerous and threatening crisis phenomena of socioeconomic character in Ukrainian society. This fact confirms the statistics of criminal offenses in the sphere of providing the basis of state security, as well as in the field of providing public services, economic activities, and property crimes. Thus, all this, undoubtedly, actualizes the study of the issue of ensuring Ukraine’s state security from threats of socio-economic nature. Providing state security is in the sight of a large number of leading scientists. Note that in this case, the study of the crisis phenomena of the socio-economic nature itself and their impact on the provision of state security has not been given sufficient attention. Therefore, the subject of the study is the definition of the methodology of the impact of crisis phenomena of a socio-economic nature on the state of ensuring the state security of Ukraine to develop a model for the emergence and impact of crisis phenomena of a socio-economic nature on the state of state security. Let’s mention that sufficient attention is not paid to the research of crisis phenomena of socio-economic nature and their impact on the maintenance of state security. Methodology. To determine the theoretical and methodological principles of crisis phenomena in Ukrainian society, to study the state of ensuring the state security of Ukraine, and to develop a model of the emergence and impact of crisis phenomena of a socio-economic nature on the state of security, functional provisions of the theory of state administration, social economics, economic theory, system analysis, and also a collection of other general scientific and special methods are used, namely: systematization of legal acts, structural analysis, historical method, method of comparative analysis, welfare theory, hypothesis, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, structuring and organizational modelling. Practical implications. The emergence of crisis phenomena with a socio-economic component requires governments to make timely and effective management decisions. Such phenomena take central place among the threats to society in the system of ensuring state security. The main crisis phenomena of socio-economic character in Ukraine are identified as high levels of corruption, high levels of poverty, significant property differentiation of the population, social inequality, and lack of a middle class. The analysis of crisis phenomena shows that the most acute, mass, and socially dangerous crisis phenomena are caused by low living standards and unresolved social problems. They are the basis of grave social conflicts between the people and the authorities. There is a developed model of the emergence and impact of the crisis phenomena of a socio-economic nature on the state and shows that today the study of threats to state security, which arose on the socio-economic basis, deserves special attention. The most expedient and relevant is the study of the crisis phenomena of the socioeconomic nature and the development of mechanisms for state regulation of these phenomena.

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