Telah dilakukan pengamatan pengaruh suhu dan waktu anil terhadap tekstur paduan Al tipe 2024. Pada penelitian ini digunakan paduan Al tipe 2024 dalam bentuk serbuk tanpa dianil dan 6 buah kubus dengan ukuran 8´8´8 mm3  yang dianil pada suhu 200oC dan 400oC masing-masing selama 1, 5 dan 20 jam. Pengukuran tekstur dilakukan menggunakan difraksi sinar-X dengan panjang gelombang 1,78892 Å memakai metode gambar kutub invers. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa tekstur paduan Al tipe 2024 berubah dengan meningkatnya suhu anil dan lamanya anil.

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Bunga Yohana Tambunan,Sentosa Ginting,Linda Masniary Lubis    

This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature and drying time of satay padang seasoning  powde qualiity. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan,... see more

Aisyah Nurul Jannah,Elisa Julianti,Linda Masniary Lubis    

The purpose of this research was to find the effect of pre-treatment method and drying temperature on physical of orange flesh sweet potato flour. This research was using randomized design with two factors, namely the method of pre-treatment (P): (sweet ... see more

Olan Samuel K. Sinaga,Lukman Adlin Harahap,Achwil Putra Munir    

Bone flour had characteristics of odorless, maximum water content 8%, whitish colored, bacteria and disease free. This study was aimed to determine the effect of raw material drying temperature on the quality of meat bone meal equipment. Parameters measu... see more

Evi Tamala Munte,Linda Masniary Lubis,Hotnida Sinaga    

The purpose of this research was to find the effect of comparison of red bean  flour with pumpkin flour and drying temperature on the chemical and sensory properties of instant porridge. The study was using completely randomized design with two fac... see more

Azmi Syahri,Herla Rusmarilin,Ridwansyah Ridwansyah    

This research was conducted to determine the effect of sous vide method temperature and time on the quality of little tuna pepes. This study used a completely randomised design (CRD) method with two factors, i.e cooking temperature (S) : (60oC, 65oC, 70o... see more