Logical-mathematical intelligence is important to be taught by teacher to kindergarten children so that they have skill in solving simple problems in daily life. Multisensory approach emphasizes the principles of teaching through visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile (VAKT). The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is influence multisensory approach to the logical-mathematical intelligence in kindergarten children. Paired t-test calculation results between the pretest and posttest the experimental group there was an increase by an average of 21.65 from 14.95 average pretest to 36.6 posttest. Paired t-test calculation results between the pretest and posttest control group contained an average increase of 11.3 from an average of 16.9 to 28.2 pretest posttest. Independent t-test results of the pretest experimental and control groups showed no significant differences as having value Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 is 0.631 > 0.05. That is logical-mathematical intelligence levels in children before using multisensory approach is same. Independent t-test results posttest experimental and control groups showed no significant difference because it has the Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 is 0.02 < 0.05. Based on the description, it was concluded that multisensory approach gives significant effect on logic-mathematical intelligence in kindergarten children. The results show that multisensory approach gives significant effect on logic-mathematical intelligence in kindergarten children. Average of logical-mathematical intelligence of students in using multisensory approach is higher than the average of logical-mathematical intelligence of students who do not use logic-mathematical approach. It is suggested to teachers in using multisensory approach to improve logical-mathematical intelligence in kindergarten children. Limitations of this study is the assistance of teachers, child emotional factor, and time constraints.

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